Monday, August 31, 2009

Tyson and Lily!!!

I have the cutest kids in the world!!!
I love them like crazy!
They are best buddies! Lily thinks Tyson is the greatest thing in the world (next to Mom and Dad!)
They looked so cute in the Costco cart and I happened to have my camera. Lily loves being a big girl and Tyson loves sitting next to Lily in the cart. Yeah for Costco being so huge you need a double cart!
Our Lily

Brandon's work had their company party at the Bee's game. Here is Lily just chillin'
She is such a people watcher (just like her Mom). She just loves being outside!

These pictures don't do it justice, but Lily is soaked! Her favorite thing to do is open the shower door while I am showering and get sprinkled with the water. She just laughs and talks and gets wet! She loves it!!

This is very rare. Lily was so tired one day, (she had a short morning nap) that after she ate lunch I gave her her bottle in her high chair and ran upstairs to vacuum as much as I could before she finished her bottle. I kept turning off the vacuum to listen for her but she never made a peep and this was why!
Ohh, too cute!

Our Sweet Lily!

Our Tyson!He always wants to make "silly" faces to the camera!

At the Bee's game, Brandon took him to the Balloon Lady and he asked for a sword. Brandon said he got the sword, but she kept making things. So he ended up with a hat and a belt to put the sword in. (I am sure there is another word besides belt, but I can't think of it!) Tyson thought it was awesome!!!

Tyson loves being with his dad! We got him a bubble mower so he could help Dad in the yard! (the bubble part doesn't work :(


Tyson talks me into a lot of things when we are at the store. On this day it was Transformer band aids. He really doesn't know much about Transformers, other than he has some Transformer underpants! Luckily he got an actual ouch on his finger that gave a drop of blood! (I am a mean mom that will only let him have a band aid if he is actually bleeding!)

Tyson got to go to Monster Trucks with Brandon one Saturday. He loved it! What little boy wouldn't?? He was in charge of taking pictures. They came home and Tyson had taken about 50 pictures of the railing...the dirt...people's heads...he did get some good ones!
Thumbs up! Brandon what did you drug him with???
This is after they got home from Monster Trucks. He was exhausted! Tyson falling asleep on the couch...very rare, but cute!!

We got a new treadmill and Tyson loves it!
He always tells us that he needs to get his exercise!
Funny kid!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Itty Bitty Soccer

Of course there is a team picture...they went twice a week for 3 whole weeks...why not!!! ;)

This year we signed Tyson up for Itty Bitty Soccer. It is for 3 and 4 yr olds. It was so much fun. I think Tyson really enjoyed it.Tyson as goalie. He was hilarious as goalie, he would look at everything and everybody but the ball.
Lily takes after her mom. She is such a people watcher, so she also enjoyed every minute of soccer!

Where is Tyson???

On the last day they got to play with the parachute. They would all wave it up and down and on the count of 3 all the kids would run under it (screaming no less) and the coaches would hold it to the ground. Tyson loved it!

Waving the parachute. Tyson is next to his coach.

Lenny the Lion (the Legacy Center mascot) came on the last day. Tyson wanted to give him a hug!

Below are some video of Tyson "playing" soccer. The first video he is doing push-ups! (He is in the white next to his blond coach.) The second video he is dribbling. (My favorite!) The third video he is chasing the ball.

We found that Tyson really likes to run and be social! All of the other stuff is just fluff to him! We loved it!