Monday, March 30, 2009

What we've been up to lately...

I have a lot of pictures, but I haven't had time to post them, so here we go...
I bought nail polish the other day and Tyson helped me pick out the color! He then insisted on helping me paint my toenails! He did a pretty good job!
Whenever I pull out the camera Tyson wants to take a picture, I love to see life from his perspective! So he took the picture of me!

Happy St. Patricks day! Our green dinner! (I know, breakfast for dinner...but we love it! and it was easy to make green!) Tyson went crazy on the food coloring for the eggs! Tyson took the picture on the top...thru the eyes of a kid!

Lily finally did it! She rolled from back to belly! I didn't get the actual roll on video, but I got the after picture! The video is the day before she conquered it. She was trying so hard!

Tyson saw Brandon working out on night and he wanted to be just like Dad, so he took off his shirt and worked hard (for about 3 seconds) then he pounced on Brandon! Too cute!

I was trying to get some cute pictures of Lily and of course Tyson wanted to be in them also. Lately he has been wanting a picture of all of us, so I try my best with my arm out to get all 3 of us, and after each picture Tyson wants to see the picture, so after about 4 pictures this is what I got...a little ham sticking his tongue out! Crazy Tyson!

Lily is finally getting big enough for her exersaucer. Her favorite thing to do with it is eat the bird! She attacks it! And of course the camera is out...Tyson needs a picture!

The other day I was holding Lily and she was asleep, so Tyson started moving a bunch of toys onto our bed. I asked him what he was doing and he said..."I am getting ready for a playdate with my best buddy Dad!" So when Brandon got home they had their playdate! ahhhhh!
That is what he have been up to lately!

Monday, March 23, 2009

Moab and B's first Half Marathon!!!

We headed to Moab this past weekend to run the Canyonlands half-marathon and 5 mile run. Moab is one of my most favorite races ever! Brandon ran the half-marathon (his first) and he did it in 1:34:48! Wahooo! Way to go B! I ran the 5 mile and finished in 40:06. 5months after having a baby, I think that's not too shabby! I want to give a shout out to Mom and Frank for coming with us to watch our kids while we ran! You guys are awesome! Thanks a ton! It was two firsts for Frank... his first time to Moab and his first time holding a baby! While holding Lily he got her to sleep!

After the race we got lunch and headed to Arches to hike Delicate! (Since high school it has always been a tradition to hike Delicate after the race!) Brandon put Tyson in a backpack and I put Lily in the Bjorn and off we went! Before we started hiking I got my good camera, put the fully charged battery in and was planning some awesome pics while hiking. After taking the first picture I realized I forgot to put the CF card in, so no awesome pics of Delicate! (I also didn't think ahead and have the small camera handy for the race, so no race pics either!) We taught Tyson about the pile of rocks that they leave on the trail so we know where the trail leads, so every time we passed a pile of rocks (which is quite often on Delicate) Tyson would say "thanks rocks"! The best part was B and Tyson were both wearing their U hats and anytime Tyson would see someone else with a U hat or shirt he would tell us "look a go Utes (hat or shirt)!" So we would tell him to yell "Go Utes" when he saw them! Ute fans loved it! We also saw a lot of BYU apparel so we taught Tyson to yell "Go Utes" to them too!

Then we headed to Sand Dune Arch. Tyson was in heaven!
He ran and jumped and swam in the sand! He played so hard his legs started to ache! Once we were done there Tyson started doing the potty dance, so he got to pee behind a tree for the first time! He wasn't sure what to think, but by the time we made it home he was asking when he could pee outside again!

We were pretty pooped after that so we drove around for the rest of the sights and then met Mom and Frank for dinner. At dinner Tyson was pretty exhausted and Frank was amazed to see Tyson so still! (it didn't last long before Tyson got his second wind!)

Lily loved being outside and being a part of everything! We started calling her Chewy (from Starwars) because she does this deep grunting/talking noise when she is hanging out. It is so funny to hear!

Lily got tired of waiting for us so she just took a little snooze! This doesn't happen all that often!
It was such a fun weekend! Thanks again Mom and Frank for joining us!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Roll over...

Lily has not yet rolled over from her back to her belly (Tyson did it at 3 1/2 months, but I am not sure what the average age is for that, but Lily is 5 months), but the other day I was letting her do some tummy time and I turned around to get her burp cloth (she is still spits up a lot) and she was on her back! (I was turned around only for a couple seconds!) So I grabbed the camera and barely had enough time to catch her on video!

I know the flower is pretty big (the size of her head!), but I think it is adorable! (Maybe the weight of the flower is what helped her! ;)

Monday, March 2, 2009

Ahhh the 80's...

Not the decade...although it was a rather trend setting decade and those trends seem to be making there way back with a vengeance...but, back to my sigh...I mean 80 degrees! Brandon and I have decided that we need to go somewhere warm during February so we can make it through the winter blahs! This is our second year traveling somewhere warm, and we love it! This year we visited Brandon's sister in Arizona (Thanks Andi, Tate and Paige!) With two little ones, we decided to make the 14hour trek in two days. We left on a Tuesday night after Brandon got home from work and stayed in St. George. Tyson is so cute, he knows that his Grandpa Rick lives in St. George, so while we were driving he asked me...
Tyson: Mom, what George does Grandpa Rick live in?
Me: St. George.
Tyson: Does the Yellow Man (aka the man in the yellow hat from Curious George) live there too?
It was a rather exciting drive with Tyson, we apparently saw green aliens on the mountains and when we got to the hotel, Tyson became Spider Man, Lily and I were both Captain America and Brandon was The Thing. (The funny thing is that Tyson only knows these "super heroes" because he has Spider Man underpants and these characters are on some of the underpants :))
Then we drove the rest of the way Wednesday! The kids did great! (for being 3 and 4 months) We were driving a way we had never driven before, but knew it would still get us there, and Brandon decided we didn't need to map anything out, so we just followed the big signs to get us there. (I think we could have taken two short cuts had we mapped it out ;)
It was so nice! While we were there it hit the low 80's! We were in heaven!
Brandon and Tate got to go golfing, Andi and I got to go see a movie, we all went to the Zoo and the park, and Andi and Tate introduced us to a rather tasty restaurant called Sauce. It had amazing salads and pizzas! Yummy! Tyson and Paige played to their hearts content, I took a couple naps and Brandon ran and ran and ran! We wore shorts and t-shirts (did I mention it got into the 80's) It was a great trip!
Tyson, Lily and Paige ready for Church.

Tyson and Paige at the zoo and standing like flamingos.

Enjoying the nice weather at the park! Tyson and Paige found army guys buried in the sand. They also played chase with Tate and Tyson all of a sudden developed a freezing super power to freeze Tate so he could get away. He would put his hands up and pretty much spit as he would apply the freezing power to the bad guys! So much fun!