Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Out with the old... in with the new!

I have had red for the last 6 or so years and I was so ready for a change in the new house!
So the red is out and ....
Yellow (goldish) and cream is in!!
I love my new "grand damask" rug! It is so different from what I thought I would ever get, but I saw a rug like this on HGTV and couldn't get it out of my head! Luckily good old Martha Stewart had just what I was looking for!!
I am thinking I will ad little splashes of blue here and there and then do the kitchen in blue to tie it all together!! (all a little at a time...stupid money is so annoying!!!)
I love my "new" living room!!
(P.S. What a cute baby over there!!! She is officially walking at 10 1/2 months. Her first steps were about a week before she was 10 months! Crazy girl!!)

Monday, March 19, 2012

One proud Mom!

We signed Lily up for Ballet and Tyson up for Karate this month.
On the first day I had the biggest smile on my face. Our little Lily makes the cutest ballerina and Tyson loves karate...you get to yell, kick, hit and break boards!

The pictures are through the glass. (we have to sit outside of the studio so we don't distract the kids!)

I was holding Macy for some of the videos, so they are a bit shaky, but still cute!!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

10 Months

Macy is already 10 months old!!
And the little stink started taking steps about a week and a half ago! Seriously...you are my baby you can't be walking yet!
She regularly does 3 or so steps, but one night she did 6!
She is still the happiest little thing!
She smiles and waves at everyone!
She loves to play and wrestle with Tyson and Lily!
She can climb up stairs, but not down yet!
She is sooo easy!
She is Brandon's Sunday Buddy (since I teach in Primary!)
She is happy unless she is tired or hungry!
I can't stand how cute she is...I could eat her up!
We love this little thing!!
This was one night when we were getting the kids ready for bed. She was crazy moving from Mom and Dad and climbing and getting pooped and laying on the floor!
Crazy Girl!!

We love you Macy!
Here is some video of waving and walking!

(Of course I never had the camera at the right time!! But they are still cute!)

Sunday, March 4, 2012


For the 100th day of school. The kids were able to dress like they were 100 years old!
Here is our interpretation of Tyson at 100!

His hair is parted, he has on Dollar Store reading glasses (with the lenses popped out) and suspenders! (My Grandpa always has suspenders on!!) And Grandpa's always bend over!!??!!
He would also say, "Hey sonny...."
Oh and I guess old people always are or look grumpy!!??!
He was funny about it!
I think he makes a handsome 100 year old!

One night while getting the kids ready for bed, Lily decided to dress up!
She is Green Lantern, Utah football player, superhero, butterfly ladybug, ballerina!!
Silly Girl!

And how can you resist two cute little ones playing in the tub!!