Thursday, May 10, 2012

Family Pics!!

 We did family pictures on Cinco de Mayo! and I love how they turned out!!
So bright and colorful!
I am afraid of color and like to keep things neutral, but I loved these...maybe it will help me add color to my life!!
 Our Handsome Tyson 6 1/2 years old!
 Cute little Lily (that looks all grown up!!) 3 1/2 years old!

 Macy Bug! 1 year old that day!!
Got to love that tongue!!

 The fam!

 Macy's face kills me in these two pics!

 The boys!
 The girlies!
 I seriously can't get enough of these kids!!

The Mr. and Mrs.
I love that my family is photogenic...I just wish I was too!
I am still excited how these turned out!

Macy's one year stats:
Height: 29"...45th %
Weight: 20lbs...55th %
Head: 18.7"...85th %

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Macy is 1!!!

Cute Macy getting ready for her party!!
I just can't get enough of this little mug!!
 Opening presents! She is really interested in something...

 She loves cards!
Aunt Tiff made this super cute birthday card! Macy carried it around for most of the day!!
 You got to love all the "helpers" when little kids get around presents!!
Lily didn't want to miss out on the photos!
I did a "raspberry lemonade" theme thanks to the ideas I found on Pintrest!!
Tissue paper pom poms! I am not crafty so I was rather proud of myself!!

This was a raspberry/orange/mango/pina colada punch! I thought it was yummy!

These ones were the vanilla cupcakes with white chocolate strawberry frosting! YUM!

These were the raspberry lemonade cupcakes! These were my first every cupcakes I made from scratch and not a box! Yay for me!

We drank from mason jars with paper straws! (going green???!!! I just thought it was cute!!)
Costco flowers with sliced lemons for decoration!

 Happy 1st Birthday Macy!!
We love you to pieces!!
She has her Dr. appointment on Tuesday so I will share the stats then.
But what Macy does...
walks/runs all day long
still naps twice a day
says, Mama, Dad, uh oh
loves her brother and sister
is as cute as can be!

Thursday, May 3, 2012


 We signed Tyson up for Baseball again this year. This year it is coach pitch. Tyson is doing great! He can hit the ball rather far, and is getting better at throwing to the intended target and catching! They still don't play by all the rules (next year with machine pitch they do!) ie; outs, running to more than one base etc...
 He loves to play first base because anytime the ball is hit they throw to first base!
He is still a social goof ball! I think that is his favorite part!
 Dad and Lily enjoying the game!
This is the first team sport that Brandon hasn't been the coach! (Tyson has asked if another Dad could have a turn! :) ) But Brandon still gets out there and helps when needed!! I do have to be sure runs efficiently when Brandon is out there!! (Thanks to the Stan in him!!)
 Macy loves to be outside and loves watching her big brother! There has been times she has gone over to get Tyson if he is on a base nearby! I have to watch her close or she will be part of the game!!

Me and my Girls!! I need proof sometimes that I am there!! So here is our self taken picture!!
Go LA Dodgers!!

Everyone started yelling YAY, so Macy started clapping! It is amazing to me how much these little ones catch on so fast!!


Lily loves to run while we are watching the game. She has found little friends lately that love to run with her!! On this day, Macy was just trying to keep up and having the best time ever!!