Monday, August 25, 2014

Preschool and Second grade Graduation :)

 Lily had a cute little program at preschool where they all sang their favorite songs they learned during the year. Lily's favorite song was "Pepperoni Pizza"

 Lily did a great job, she knew every song and sang it loud!
I was so proud of her!
 Her preschool diploma from Little Lighthouse Preschool :)
 Her cute teacher Mrs. Kristine (who is also one of my running buddies!!)
Yay for Lily!!!
 Tyson passed the 2nd grade with flying colors!!
Here he is getting his High Flying Hawk award! and of course with Tyson he recieved the highest award going above and beyond!

Such a cute kid!!
Yay for Tyson!!

 Grandma Wendy, Nana, the girls and I were there to cheer Tyson on!
My kids are getting so big!!!
Congrats you two!!