Thursday, June 25, 2009

Here's to Change...

Brandon and I are sometimes quick to make decisions. We were thinking about moving about a month or two back and we were looking in Salt Lake County, but all the houses we liked were a little too high for us right now. (We didn't want to be house poor, we still wanted to save quite a bit each month). So our search ended and we decided to stay put for another 3-5 years. Well, then we participated in the Saratoga Splash which always has some event in Harvest Hills, well when we were first buying a house 3 years ago, we wanted to build in Harvest Hills, but again the houses we wanted were a little out of our price range. Oh, how so many things can change in 3 years. After the Saratoga carnival we went to a model home and found a spec home that we loved. So, as quick as that we prepared our home to sell and called our Realtor. One week later we put a deposit on the spec home and put our house up for sale (all of course contingent on us selling our home). So if any of you know anyone that would like this cute starter home in Saratoga Springs (actually should be Lehi, it is on the North end of Utah Lake, the rest of Saratoga is on the west side of the lake) send them our way. Here is a link with all of the details and pictures of our home. and
Wish us luck!!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Three-peat Champions!!!

For the last three years that we have lived in Saratoga Springs, we have participated in the Saratoga Splash. The first year a friend of mine told me that they gave cash prizes for the 5K and one year she was the 3rd woman and won some cash, so I thought Brandon and I could try and win some $$$.(Thanks Sinika) Our first year I finish 2nd or 3rd woman and won $20 and Brandon won the stroller division and won $20 gift card to a running store. Last year I was 5 months pregnant so I didn't finish anywhere near the front, and Brandon won the stroller division for the second year in a row. But he only one a medal! :( So this year we thought since Brandon is a lot faster, he would run in the men's division and I would run in the stroller division, then he would win us some cash, and if I placed I would get a medal. Well, Brandon finished 2nd overall and won $30 and to both mine and Brandon's surprise, (not that we didn't think I could do it, we just weren't sure what the competition would be, I mean there was a young dad with a BOB stroller...) I came in first in the stroller division! That is right...The Russell's hold the coveted first place for the stroller division 3 Years in a row!!! So, we were expecting that I would get a medal like Brandon did last year...NOPE...I won $50 cash. We walked away with $80 and a $10 gift card to Beans and Brew and free dozen donuts from a local bakery (from the raffle!) It was awesome!
Tyson even decided to run the kids race. We didn't register him for it because we weren't sure if he would make it the whole way. It was about a half mile and he ran for most of it. (I ran next to him to help encourage him) He wanted to turn back a few times, but I told him he was running with his friends and he that that was awesome. He finished second to last, but he did it. (I think he was the youngest kid running!) At the bottom of this post there is a video of Tyson's finish. (Notice how he rejects everyone in the chute!)

After the race we went to the parade. We love this parade because it is short and not a lot of people go so Tyson gets plenty of treats! Here is Tyson finding his favorite!

Lily checking out the loot from the parade!

We went with some friends to the carnival afterwards. Tyson and Kade had a great time in the jumping house!

Silly boys!

Kyler and Lily in the stroller waiting for Kade and Tyson to play!

Tyson and Kade in the army truck. They got to start it up and touch anything they wanted. They were in HEAVEN!

UDOT came and taught the kids safety around road construction (since we have a lot of it going on around here) They got to drive the remote control trucks and choose a prize!

Then they did the blow up obstacle course! What a fun day!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

We love summer!!!

After being cooped up all winter (especially with a new baby in the house, we didn't go play outside much) we have been more than excited for summer!! Tyson loves being outside and could spend from sun up to sun down outside! Lily loves being outside too! She is a happy baby, but outside she is even happier!
My house has taken a hit. I haven't been keeping up on it as much as I like, but I would much rather be taking the kids to do fun outdoor stuff than cleaning the house! My friend Emily and her cute little family just moved back from Oklahoma, and we have taken full advantage of living in the same state again. We went and played at their house and let the kids swim one week, the next week we met at the Gateway for the kids to play in the water. It took a little while for them to warm up to it, but by the end they didn't want to go home! (Especially Tyson) Although, I think they played on the rocks by the stream more than they played in the water! (Above: Tyson and Olivia)
Cute Lily. I had her dressed in too many clothes and it got too warm so we striped her down to her onesie!
I finally broke out our swimming pool and Tyson was in heaven. Lily loves to splash and crawl in the water too!
Man, don't they look so much alike! Even down to their open mouth smiles!

Tyson swimming! He put almost all of his outdoor toys in the pool with him!

It is hard to tell in this picture, but I painted Lily's toenails for the first time! I love having a girl!

Lily enjoying her bottle outside! I took the picture because I love how babies keep their legs up in the air when on their backs!

Lily in her cute little swimming suit! This picture doesn't do it justice, but it is the most adorable swimsuit! Do you recognise that it is Lily since she doesn't have a headband on?!? ;)

Papa, Zak, Tyson and Brandon went to a Bee's game last Thursday night. Tyson had the best time ever! He ate popcorn, peanuts, pizza, ice cream (I am sure there was more but that is all I remember hearing about) He played on the blow-up toys, rode the train, was a mad man, and oh yeah, he watched a baseball game! ;) They got home at 10:30 and I expected Brandon to be carrying Tyson straight to bed because he was asleep, but Tyson walked right in the door wide awake and told me all about the game! His feet were filthy because he always insists on taking off his shoes when he is playing on grass! Crazy kid!

Tyson and Papa!

Tyson and the Bee's mascot!

On Monday, we went with some ladies from the neighborhood to the zoo! Tyson is a fast zoo goer. He sees an animal and two seconds later he is ready to move on to the next animal! The other kids were not that way. They were content looking at the animals for 5-10minutes at a time. We got quite a ways ahead of the rest of the group!

Tyson was so excited to ride on the carousal. He asked me for about 10 minutes when we were going to ride it!

Lily at the zoo! She loves seeing everything. She usually takes a good 2hr morning nap, so I expected her to sleep most of the time we were at the zoo, but she stayed awake the whole time, and was the happiest girl!

Tyson is almost as big as a gorilla!

Some friends shared their cotton candy! YUM!

Lily and London (one of our neighbor friends) playing at the playground and trying to eat wood chips!

Cute Lily! Tyson's favorite part of the zoo was the playground! He could have stayed there for hours! He made friends with every kid he came in contact with! When he would go down the slide, he would yell "Come on guys, lets go slide!" I don't think any kid listened to him, but he thought they were all his best friend!

Brandon got this free hat from work and gave it to Tyson. It is a little big for him, but I think he looks awesome when he wears it backward!
We have had so much fun so far and we are excited for summer to continue!
Yeah for sunshine!