Friday, November 26, 2010


Today our cute little Tyson turned into a big 5 year old!
Since I started blogging when he was a little over two and I am using my blog as my scrapbook/journal I thought I would put some of my favorite picts of Tyson from his 5 years...
Tyson Stanley born 11/26/2005
8lbs 9oz
20 1/2inches long

What a sweet little face! Tyson was a sweet little guy, but he had reflux and spit up almost everything he ate, so he wanted to be held all the time. (Which I didn't mind since he was my first except when I needed to get something done!) I remember crying to Brandon asking him to make the bed before he left for work because Tyson wouldn't let me put him down long enough to make it! I wasn't good at just letting him cry!

Our announcement/Christmas card picture. All of us in cute little track jackets! Ahhh!
Tyson was such a funny little sleeper! He would do this quite often, I guess he needed it darker to sleep well!He also did crazy things like arching his back all the time! Silly kid!
I just love this cute little baldy!

Tyson didn't start packing on the pounds until about 9 months or so. Being a first time Mom and trying to nurse a baby that spit everything up and I didn't know I wasn't producing enough and with the reflux he was starving. Once the Dr. figured that out we put Tyson on formula and he finally plumped right up!

I love to swaddle my babies! (I probably do it longer than most people, but I love it and my kids love it!)
Tyson has always been the happiest kid I know! Still to this day he is so darn happy all the time!
He is so darn handsome too! This wasn't his blessing day, but this is what he wore for his blessing!
He has loved sugar from the beginning! I think he could live off of sugar and butter and be one happy camper! (Not that I feed him straight sugar or butter!!!)
He has always been my binky baby and I loved that too! I just think it is too cute!

Again the happiest kid ever!
I love this pict! He just looks so cute and styling! Air Jordan shoes, track suit and cool plaid hat! I think Dad was fishing with Papa on this day and it was just too cold for me and my little buddy!

Tyson has always been my little running buddy! When we first moved into our house I started running again and he quite often feel asleep so I would push him in the front door and hurry and shower before he woke up! (At least this would happen once he was closer to a year old...around 4 or 5 months he would always seem to scream on the last road in the neighborhood so I would sprint home so no one would think I was a horrible parent letting my baby scream so I could run!)
Tyson has always been our TV kid! Here he is watching one of his favorite movies at that time...Monsters Inc.!

Tyson loves to help do ANYTHING! He really thought carving pumpkins was awesome! And still does to this day! What kid doesn't!?!

Proud of his pumpkins!
Tyson's first Halloween! Our Star Wars family!

So, we had this pine tree on the side of our house, but whoever planted it there was never planning on having a fence or a gate, but we did so one year for Christmas we cut it down and used it as our Christmas tree! It looked smaller outside than it was inside and I didn't think about how big those branches were on that kind of pine tree, but it worked and still looked really good! And what a fun story...we cut down our own tree and didn't have to travel very far!
This pict is from my cell phone (so are some others that aren't that clear!) Tyson is sitting in his Uncle Cam's fire truck! I love it because he is so stiff trying to keep the headphones on! He thought it was so awesome!
Helping with dinner! He loved it when he was tall enough to stand on the stool and see over the counter!After a run we would go and feed the ducks in the neighborhood! The ponds are fun for that reason, but the mosquitoes are another story!
Coming home from Colorado this is how we found Tyson! The king is resting!
Tyson loves to be outside! Here he is throwing rocks into the water and decided he needed to get a little closer for the good rocks!At the Zoo looking thru the turtle shell! I just love that little face and chubby legs!
Wearing Mom's sports bra and underwear! Clean of course!

Wearing Dad's Utah jacket! With matching binky too!
Our last Christmas before we became 4!
This is as close to getting himself undressed as Tyson got! (Which I look back on and love when I hear other Mom's talking about not being able to keep clothes on their kids!)

What kid doesn't want to blow bubbles in their milk!

I just love how cute he is in this picture! We are feeding the ducks at the other neighborhood pond!
Tyson has always loved having his own style!
Who doesn't want to wear brand new underpants on their head! (Now up to date...the in between stuff I have on prior blogs!)Lily didn't want to miss out on the fun either!
Tyson is so creative and has such the imagination! Here is his clown face! (A little scary, but creative!)

At the dentist the other day he picked a mustache for his prize. I asked him to get dressed the next morning and he came out as Tyson the man!
Happy 5th birthday big guy! We love you! And Lily loves her "Buddy!"
I added some cute video's of Tyson. If you are able to watch the roll over one (it was from my phone) warning: turn the volume down... Brandon and I get quite excited!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!
With Tyson not having preschool this week I was trying to think of things we could do to keep us busy... playdates, shopping, making pilgram hat cookies! The kids thought these were so much fun to make, they are a bit cheesy, but we enjoyed the 10 mins it took us to make them!

(I tried and tried to turn this but...?)
We made this turkey (Brandon the perfectionist found 3 different turkeys on the internet and peiced them together to make his perfect turkey!) Then Tyson did a great job coloring it, but only using the colors Brandon told him to use! I cut out my very imperfect feathers and we will take them to dinner tonight and have everyone put what they are thankful for on the feathers!

Nana sent us this gratitude jar and treats for us to put in things that we are thankful for each day! Tyson made sure and followed the rules and only took one candy corn each time he wrote something. (That is why he wrote a lot...who can resist candy!!??)

Here are some things Tyson is grateful for...
Grandma Wendy, TV, Teeth, Health, Learning, No Bears at the cabin...
And more...
Dentist,(yes the dentist! He loves going to the dentist...that may change when he has an actual cavity!) shapes, Tyson, Nana and Papa, New Baby, Star Wars...
He came up with these all by himself! What a great kid!
Tyson's preschool is AWESOME! They do the coolest things! One day last week when I picked him up all the kids hit their drums and sang a song for each Mom that picked up their kid. They made these vests and drums for Native American week!
Lily is wearing one of my headbands...too cute!

Native American Tyson!
We sure love the holidays!
Happy Thanksgiving!
The video is Lily and Tyson's Native American dance! I love kids!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Girls day out!

So, I had such a great day on Saturday! Brandon let me be gone essentially all day long without kids! (HEAVEN!)
I first met my sisters and Grandma for a yummy lunch! We try to meet with Grandma for lunch as much as possible. It is so much fun spending time together and with our cute little Grandma!
After lunch I met my BF Emily for a day of shopping, pedicures and more food!
Emily and I both just turned 30 so we decided to pamper ourselves!
We have been BF's since we were 12! (even though we lived down the street from each other for years before that!)
When we were 16 Emily's family moved to Washington State and I was able to visit once and Em was able to come back and visit a few times. Then we both moved on to college. I went to Cedar City and she went to Logan. We both got married 10 years ago and Em and her husband have moved everywhere, Brandon and I have stayed within a 25 mile radius(ish), but through it all we have remained best friends!
When we get together it is like we have seen each other everyday. We don't miss a beat! She is the best!
I tried to find a picture of us when we were young, but I am not sure where my old scrapbooks are! So here we are old 30 year olds! (I am not photogenic at all! It took us forever to get a picture!)
Our cute toes! I LOVE pedicures!
It was such a great day! Being 14 weeks pregnant I seem to only want to eat french dip sandwiches (which I had with my sisters and grandma!) And Training Table turkey sandwiches (which I had with Emily!) YUM! What else could a prego women ask for!
Em and I parked one car at Mulligans so we didn't have to take two cars everywhere, but that was a close call! After talking for about 2 hours at the restaurant we left to get Em's car and we luckily got there right before the guy locked to gate to lock her car in the parking lot! What a funny way to end the day!
Thanks Em! You are the BEST!

Monday, November 1, 2010


We love Halloween at our house! I think I love it just as much as the kids do! I think it is fun to dress them up and I also make Brandon and myself dress up too!
Tyson's preschool parade! He was the only boy that day, (there are only 2 boys in their class of 13!) So there are a lot of princesses, but only one Iron Man!
We bought this costume in the middle of September because I panicked! Tyson saw it at Costco and I thought we had plenty of time so I didn't buy was the beginning of September we would be fine! Well, we went to Costco the next week and all the Iron Man costumes were GONE! I thought, Oh No it is like Tickle Me Elmo at Christmas I better act fast! That day I called Brandon's Mom (who frequents Costco too!) to see if her Costco had one and they were all gone there too! So I "patiently" waited for Target and Walmart to set out their Halloween stuff (which seemed like forever to a panicked Mom!) and the second I saw a Red Iron Man I bought it! Tyson had worn it so much that Nana already had to sew some holes before Halloween!
They were so cute all of them sang so loud!
On the grass they sang 5 or 6 more songs (some with instruments!)

Like Tyson needed to use his hands to make him louder...he is the loudest kid on the planet! There is no quiet voice when it comes to Tyson!

Lily enjoying the show! Of course she was dressed up too! Anytime Tyson dressed up, Lily was right there with him!

My Mom and I saw this magazine with these cute skeleton cupcakes on the cover so I decided to try doing them!

They looked so easy from the magazine, but everything looks easy when professionals do it!
I thought mine turned out cute even though I gave up on the arms!

Here is my cute Iron Man and Wonder Women!

Iron Man flying!

Shooting his laser?!?!

Wonder Women flying!
I asked Lily to show me what Wonder Women does, so she pretended to fly and made the "whoosh" sound! Too Cute!


In action!
My Super Heroes!
Brandon made a great Captain America!

Our cute Halloween family!
One of these things is not like the other...and for good reason!

We are expecting baby #last!
We heard the heartbeat last week so I thought Halloween would be fun to announce it to our families so what better way than being a baker with a "Bun in the Oven!"

This timer should go off the beginning of May!
Baby bump at 12 weeks!
We are excited!