Monday, June 27, 2011

Macy's Blessing

We blessed Macy on Sunday! It was such a great day... a beautiful blessing, great food, and awesome company!
My Mom made Macy's beautiful blessing dress and she also decided to make the matching bonnet, but if you know my kids they all have big heads, so the bonnet was a tad too small!
The front of the dress!
Some pics of Macy's cute little face!
A half smile!

The back of the dress!
Done with pictures!

Brandon's side generation picture. All of Brandon's grandparents have passed, but we are sure grateful to have Nana and Papa!
My generation picture (again)!
With Step grandparents...I have three sets of grandparents and only one set has passed, but only Grandma Sadler could come. Both of my Grandpa's are sick and Grandma Spencer can't drive so she couldn't make it, but we are sure grateful for Great Grandma Sadler and Grandma Wendy!
Our family!
I couldn't ask for a better day!

Monday, June 20, 2011


For Christmas the kids got the Grow your own Butterflies kit from their cousins. (Thanks Paige and Trey!) So this spring we ordered our caterpillars and watched them transform into beautiful butterflies!
Tyson's preschool class did this too, so Tyson wanted to hold the butterflies before we let them go like he did at preschool!
Lily thought it was awesome too!
(Got to love her crazy hair!)
Macy didn't want to hold one!!! ;)
and it was too windy for her to be outside, so this is where she was just inside the door while we let them go!

Friday, June 17, 2011

More Macy Pics!

My Sister Ange did this photo shoot of Macy, but Macy wasn't wanting to be too cooperative!
This was the only sleeping picture we got and it was at the end!

She hates being naked so she was most happy all cuddled up warm in her blanket that Grandma Wendy made!

I love the feet pictures!

This is not how Macy normally looks, but to keep her from crying we would give her a binky or bottle and take it out right before the picture! So we have a lot of pictures with her tongue out!

I loved this pea pod hammock that Ange made!

This was what we were working with! Silly girl!
Got to love newborn photo shoots!
I love this girl and think she is adorable even when she is crying or has her tongue out!!

Thursday, June 16, 2011


My Mom brought my Grandma Sadler over to come and meet Macy, so I took the opportunity to take a generation picture! We always plan on taking one at the blessings, but amongst all the chaos we never seem to get one.
So here are all of us girls thanks to the beautiful women in the middle!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Tyson played his first official soccer season with Coach Brandon as the team coach!
They had such a cute team with some pretty good little players.
We accidentally signed Tyson up for a team that was one year older than he was.
He was a little behind the rest at the beginning, but by the end he turned out to be a pretty good little player!

Almost the whole soccer season was cold. All the practices were cold and windy!
Brandon did a great job with the kids. They would play games during practice that the kids loved and they were learning soccer skills at the same time!

Tyson favorite place was to be in the goal! (I think it was mostly because he would get tired of running!)

Nana, Papa, Zak and Grandma Wendy made it to quite a few games! Lily loved having so much attention from them! She also spent most of her time eating snacks!

Throwing in the ball!

It was the last game when Tyson became assertive and got in there and kicked the ball!

Way to go Tyson! We are so proud of you!
Now on to the next adventure...T-ball!

Monday, June 6, 2011

One Month Old!

Our sweet little Macy is already one month old! Time has flown by, but yet it seems like forever ago that we were at the hospital!
She is such a sweet and good little baby!
She does let us know when she is hungry and she won't let up until she is fed! She gets so mad and cries so much that she turns bright red and starts sweating!
She only wakes up twice a night...sleeping about 4 hours between each feeding!
She often falls asleep by herself during the day while in her bouncer chair, while laying on the floor and even if I put her in her bed and she is still semi-awake she will fall asleep on her own! I hope this all continues!
She loves to be entertained by her big brother and sister!
They love her so much, they can't get enough of her! They even fight over who can get me her diaper when I need to change her!
She is getting so close to smiling. (you can't tell by the pictures!)
Brandon claims that she has smiled at him...I still think it was just a gas smile!!
We sure love our little bundle!

My friend Emily made these cute tutu's for the girls! I wanted to take pictures with both of them in them, but sometimes time is limited with a content baby so I didn't risk taking the time to get Lily all ready! Another time! But Lily still put on her tutu and posed for me!
Thanks Em for the adorable tutu's!!

I have the cutest girls in the world!!