Thursday, August 26, 2010

Random Stuff....

Summer has gone by way too fast! I feel like we were a little jipped since it seemed like we went straight from winter to summer in June and now August has been rather rainy and already getting fall like weather! Don't get me wrong, I love fall, but I sure love the summer sun!
Anyways, we have tried our best to keep ourselves busy for the summer and here are the rest of the random pictures that I never blogged about!
Lily is our little handful! She loves to get into everything!
Here she is going thru Nana's cabinets!
And drawers!
This was probably the best investment I made all summer!
$15 on a pool = Loads of fun!
The take-off!
The plunge!
Nice splash!
Soo cold!
Way to go Tyson!
Here is where I spent my swimming days!
The kids LOVED swimming in the back yard! (So have I!)
How cute are they!??!!
Brandon has been playing a lot of soccer this spring and summer!
The kids and I have gone to as many games as possible!
Brandon the goalie!
Nice save! (although I found out later that he was out of the goal box and almost got in trouble for this save! It sure looks good on camera though!)
Ahhh Cute!
I took a photography class during the summer with a friend and we took the kids to Thanksgiving Point to practice that weeks technique!

I didn't edit any of the pictures. (Laziness!) But it was nice to practice what we were learning!

Tyson the human sundial!

Lily loves playing in the dirt until she realizes she is dirty!

Throwing one of her diva tantrums!

One day we had our cute friends Kade and Kyler over. Their dad had torn his Achilles and was having surgery.
I thought it was sure cute seeing these little ones eating and being silly!

Lily's hair has been getting longer and we have been able to try some new hair styles besides the piggies! She woke up this particular morning and her hair had such a cute curl in it, so we just added a side bow! (doesn't she look so big!)

We have also been able to pull it into a single ponytail! Sometimes we pair it with a headband and it is adorable!

Cute fountain of hair!

Our crazy Tyson is all about dressing up in crazy things! On this particular day he wore his UofU jersey with his monkey costume pants and to top it all off, his booster seat padding on his back and hands! Lily thought he looked like a great ride!

Silly kids!

This day he was all sorts of creative!

-Safari goggles...vampire teeth...a medal...a cape on the front and one on the back...gloves...and shin guards!

What a funny kid!!!!

Tyson periodically wants to make crazy snacks!
This day he wanted a tortilla face!

We took the kids to a car show with Great Grandma Spencer, and their cousins!
Face painting was a must!
Tyson wanted to be Ironman, but the clown couldn't remember what Ironman looked like so Brandon had to look it up on his phone since Tyson wouldn't have anything else!

We just had Lily get a simple flower since we all know how much she likes people! ;)

But, she too insisted on having her face painted!

With a cool old car!

Spinning with Dad!
We LOVE summer!!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Itty Bitty Soccer

We signed Tyson up for Itty Bitty Soccer again this year and he loved it!

He did so great! (a big improvement over last year! What a difference a year makes!)

And as always I got suckered into buying pictures, but how can you resist...he is so cute! He was on Team Brazil.

Holding his flag waiting for soccer to start!

The warm-up!

He was so fun to watch during the warm-up! He exercises with me occasionally at home, so he was pretty good at all the exercises.

Here he is doing sit-ups! His favorite part of warm-up was the running!

Tyson loved being goalie!

I don't know if it because his Dad plays goalie, or that he sits down (even though he is not supposed to!) or if he can just be crazy!

Watching the ball!

The big throw in! (another favorite part!)

He did great playing...he kicked the ball a lot and made a few goals!

Can't forget cheerleader Lily!
She would yell "Go Tyson"

On the last day they played Duck-Duck-Goose!
Tyson is running for safety!

And of course the parachute!
He is blurry in this picture, but the look on his face is priceless!

Picture with Lenny the Lion!
Lily was terrified of Lenny and held onto my leg while we were near him!

We sure enjoyed this year of Soccer!
Next year he is too old for Itty Bitty Soccer, so if he wants to real Soccer, here we come!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wild West Wednesday!

Emily and I thought we would brave the Wild West $2 Wednesday at This Is The Place Heritage Park last week and it turned out to be totally worth it! There was so much to do and the kids loved it!
I think their favorite part was playing on the stage and pretending to put on a play!Lily playing a pioneer game!
Combing the wool!
Who can resist a pony ride??!!
This was my kids first time on a horse! They loved it and weren't scared at all!
How cute are Lily and Gavin together!

Making sand art!
And coloring bags! This kids also panned for gold, (Lily got all wet!) They turned in their gold to the Banker and traded it for candy! We rode the train and learned a lot about pioneers and how they lived. Tyson and Olivia were cute and asked a lot of questions to the pioneer volunteers.
It was a lot of fun and I highly recommend it!
(Although, I also recommend bringing a Diet Coke! I had a good size headache by the end!)
Thank Em! You are the best!
Next time we need a picture of the two of us to prove we exist!