Tuesday, December 24, 2013

8 is Great!

 We are so proud of Tyson for making the choice to be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!
Here is the invitation we sent out to friends and family!
 I copied this idea from a friends blog, she had a professional take hers, but I tried it on my own!
 We took Tyson's pics in September because I am weird and didn't want these picture to have him with his braces! But his actual baptism day does have braces!
He was rather concerned that I was taking these pics before he was 8 and before his baptism!
He is funny that way!

 He was pretty silly during the pictures (as you can tell) but that is Tyson to a T!

 He was so excited! They were the first ones there (for a 9am start time) and when the member of the bishopric got there he was skipping in the halls with excitement!
 Classic Tyson...always doing bunny ears!
He asked Grandma Wendy to give the talk on the Holy Ghost and she did awesome! (as usual, she is a great speaker!)
And Tyson was so cute as they were getting out of the font he said "it is cooolllddd!" and I think everyone heard him! :)
I cried from start to finish! I swear all I do is cry!
It all started with Macy belting out I am a Child of God for the opening song!
 We had yummy breakfast food at our house for afterwards!
I made Papa stay in his church clothes so I could take pics and this was his response to that!!
 A bunch of cousins and friends enjoying food!
 Chesney and "other" Macy playing games!
 Great Grandma Sadler and her friend Glen made it!
 Grandma Wendy had just had jaw surgery a couple days before and she was swollen like a chipmunk on one side, so we hid it with Tyson!
 Tyson asked Colin to be a witness for him! And of course cute Cori!
 Our friend Brittany! (the rest of her family is pictured later!)
 Uncle Zak!
 Tiff and her girls!! (Tom had just had major knee surgery!)
 Tylon, Tyson and Nana!
 Crazy Tyson!
 Cute Nana and Papa!
 Matt, Stella and Macy (the rest of Brittany's family) and the Kjars - Maely, Bryan, Holly, Tylon, Casyn and Bryly

 Maely the future football player!
 I didn't like our family pic the day of the baptism, so I made the fam take another pic before church and these are what I got!!
Love my family!
Yay Tyson!!!

Whew! What a week!!

 So our week started off last weekend with Tyson going to Colorado with Nana and Papa to visit with his cousins! When they got there they found out that Brandon's sister Andrea (in Arizona) had gone into labor and our sister-in-law Jill is expecting baby #5!!
While Tyson was gone we had family shopping day with my family, then that night we picked up Great Grandma and Grandpa Spencer and had our Christmas dinner with them at Red Robin!
My Dad surprised us and joined us too!
 My girls were sooo excited for their new dolls!!
Thanks Great Grandma and Grandpa!
 On Monday we had Lily's Kindergarten Dr. Appointment!
Poor thing has two warts on her feet and we had them frozen off which hurt a lot!
Then she had to have 2 shots! Ouch!!
Her 5 yr old stats are:
Height: 43" - 65%
Weight: 44lbs - 75%
She is a beautiful, healthy little 5 yr old!!
Then Wednesday night we had her dance recital!
 Such a pretty ballerina!
 She is in dance class with her friend Braylyn!
How cute are they?!!

 Grandma Wendy was able to come!
 And Papa made it too!
Nana flew to Arizona to help with new baby Chase! She was sad to miss it!

Brandon got Lily some pretty flowers!
She did such a great job!
 Love our Lily bug!!
 Thursday morning we got about 9-10 inches of snow,
we took Tyson to the orthodontist, then school. Then we took Lily to preschool. Then Macy and I took my Mom to her Dr. appointment to get a bone graft done on her jaw. (poor Mom!)
Once we got home Macy took a snooze and Lily and I shoveled the driveway! It took us 2 1/2hrs to shovel all that snow!!
Tyson got home from school and we took him to get his haircut then we picked up Dad to go visit Santa at Winder Farms!
This is such a good Santa!
Tyson asked for Skylanders Swap Force...
 Lily asked for a Fairy Flutterby....
 and we were shocked when Macy ran right up to Santa and got on his lap and talked to him!
She asked for an Ariel doll.....
  Hopefully they haven't been naughty and they get what they asked for!
We were supposed to have the Russell Christmas party on Friday, but with Marilyn being gone in Arizona and a whole lot of other things on her plate she cancelled it which worked out for us because we were busy Friday getting ready for Tyson's baptism on Saturday!!
(on my next post!!)
Everything always seems to happen all at the same time!
Whew! but we made it!!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Goings ons.....

 She is just too cute doing her own little thing all the time!
Love our Macy Bug!
 Tyson is so excited to be in scouts!
The first day we found out about his activity from a friend he came rushing home to get his shirt and hat and belt and scarf. He wanted to wear it all!!
He kept saying "I am freaking out!!"
They made these little gingerbread houses and he loved it!!
 Our little Macy bug seems to enjoy spending time in the Emergency Room!
A couple weeks back on a Saturday so had lost her voice, but no other illness symptoms.
That night she said her ear hurt and she just stayed in our bed all evening sleeping and watching movies even with the co-op kids over, so I thought she just had an ear infection.
Then Sunday night after I had laid with her for a while, I got up to make dinner and she started crying. She worked herself up so much that she threw up so I put her in the tub. The poor little thing was having trouble breathing and her chest was going in so deep trying to breath that is scared me and Brandon. So I took her to Riverton Hospital insta care. They diagnosed her with croup, gave her some drugs and an ice breathing treatment, but that didn't work so we were admitted to the ER for the steroid breathing treatment! She had to be watched for a couple of hours to make sure it worked. After watching Beauty and the Beast 2 1/2 times we got to go home!
She had a good cold after that but atleast she could breath!
 Our first real snow of the year!
The girls are still in their jammies, but loving it!!
 For a YW activity we made these cute little turkey's as a craft to go with the activity. I had some extra, sot the kids got to make some too!
I thought they turned out so cute!
 Lily's preschool decided to do a Thanksgiving feast/program instead of a Christmas one!
Lily did AWESOME! She was right on queue for her part, and knew every song and action by heart!!
Her part was "the thanksgiving pie was really too dry!" From There Was an Old Women Thanksgiving version!
 A couple of Thanksgiving pics!
We had Thanksgiving at Grandma Wendy's this year!
It was so yummy and great company!
We tried to keep the girls entertained!
 Ava was a little mover!
I don't think she stopped going the whole day!!
 A favorite at Grandma's... Light Brites!
 Thanksgiving weekend we headed to the cabin!
IT WAS COLD!! but fun!
 The girls and the craft area!
 We would shoot paper cups off the pool table with Tyson's new nerf guns! FUN!
 Tyson did our family night a couple weeks back on missionary work and Lily has been dying since to do a family night too!
She chose the topic of Why is Jesus Christ important to us!
It was so cute she went around to everyone to share our answer, we sang and decorated gingerbread men for the activity!
Brandon was out of town and missed it, but it was a great FHE!
Way to go Lily!!

The final products!!
That is what has been going on at our house!!