Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Whew! What a week!!

 So our week started off last weekend with Tyson going to Colorado with Nana and Papa to visit with his cousins! When they got there they found out that Brandon's sister Andrea (in Arizona) had gone into labor and our sister-in-law Jill is expecting baby #5!!
While Tyson was gone we had family shopping day with my family, then that night we picked up Great Grandma and Grandpa Spencer and had our Christmas dinner with them at Red Robin!
My Dad surprised us and joined us too!
 My girls were sooo excited for their new dolls!!
Thanks Great Grandma and Grandpa!
 On Monday we had Lily's Kindergarten Dr. Appointment!
Poor thing has two warts on her feet and we had them frozen off which hurt a lot!
Then she had to have 2 shots! Ouch!!
Her 5 yr old stats are:
Height: 43" - 65%
Weight: 44lbs - 75%
She is a beautiful, healthy little 5 yr old!!
Then Wednesday night we had her dance recital!
 Such a pretty ballerina!
 She is in dance class with her friend Braylyn!
How cute are they?!!

 Grandma Wendy was able to come!
 And Papa made it too!
Nana flew to Arizona to help with new baby Chase! She was sad to miss it!

Brandon got Lily some pretty flowers!
She did such a great job!
 Love our Lily bug!!
 Thursday morning we got about 9-10 inches of snow,
we took Tyson to the orthodontist, then school. Then we took Lily to preschool. Then Macy and I took my Mom to her Dr. appointment to get a bone graft done on her jaw. (poor Mom!)
Once we got home Macy took a snooze and Lily and I shoveled the driveway! It took us 2 1/2hrs to shovel all that snow!!
Tyson got home from school and we took him to get his haircut then we picked up Dad to go visit Santa at Winder Farms!
This is such a good Santa!
Tyson asked for Skylanders Swap Force...
 Lily asked for a Fairy Flutterby....
 and we were shocked when Macy ran right up to Santa and got on his lap and talked to him!
She asked for an Ariel doll.....
  Hopefully they haven't been naughty and they get what they asked for!
We were supposed to have the Russell Christmas party on Friday, but with Marilyn being gone in Arizona and a whole lot of other things on her plate she cancelled it which worked out for us because we were busy Friday getting ready for Tyson's baptism on Saturday!!
(on my next post!!)
Everything always seems to happen all at the same time!
Whew! but we made it!!

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