Friday, August 29, 2008

I want to help!

Tyson, like many other kids, is into the I can do it by myself stage. Sometimes I love it, sometimes I just have to grin and bear it. This one I thought was cute because I wasn't the one getting the help! Brandon may have had other feelings toward the help!

Brandon and Tyson painting our banister!
The banister got more paint than it ever needed!
But Tyson thought he was the best helper in the whole world!


This is Tyson putting on "The Ernie Show" Everytime he does the Ernie show, Ernie sings "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" Sometimes he does "The Cookie Monster Show" and it is just random jibber jabber. I love this age of imagination. The other day Tyson and I talked to Ernie's dad on the phone!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Our artist!

I know that there is probably some average age that a child starts drawing their own interpretation of people, I don't know what that age is... but I am so proud of our little Tyson! Usually when we draw or color he makes me or Brandon do all the drawing or coloring. Just the other day Tyson said he was going to draw a picture of me. ( I am the blue person) I was so proud of him that we took a picture of him. He then wanted to draw the whole family! (above) These little kids amaze me at what they can do at such a young age!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Crazy life...

I am laughing so hard right now I am almost crying!! When this all happened yesterday I was laughing so hard I was crying, and being 7 1/2 months pregnant, I almost peed my pants!
Here is a little back ground on why I am taking pictures of Brandon jumping in the air. My sister Ange a couple years back started dabbling in photography, I was always interested in photography but was always too afraid to make the financial plunge into getting the equipment. Long story short, I finally bit the bullet, got a nice camera, a new computer and some software and I am now dabbling too. Ange has gotten so much word of mouth from friends she had taken pictures for, she was offered to do a wedding. I am going to be her second photographer at the wedding. Anyways, for one of the wedding pictures, we wanted to have the wedding party jump off a short wall for a picture, so I had Brandon jump for me so I knew exactly what setting I wanted to have my camera on!
Well, the first jump went great! Isn't he a natural!

Well, I changed modes on the camera and the second jump didn't go as well. The chair broke on take-off.
I was laughing so hard. Brandon got hurt a little bit, but he was a good sport!
Here is Tyson inspecting what Brandon had done. The funniest part is that this isn't the only chair Brandon has broken. Since we have lived here (2 1/2 years) he has broken 3 chairs! I love it!!
We signed Tyson up for preschool this year and he was so excited! ( I think we were just as excited as he was! What a big kid!)
He chose his own backpack. Of course it was the Speed Racer one. His favorite things right now are race cars!
I thought his face was cute. He kept telling me the sun was too bright!

On Sunday while we were getting ready for Church, Tyson was taking a shower while I was doing my hair. Tyson shouts out "Mom, watch" and he proceeds to stick his bum on the shower door and shake it back and forth while laughing at himself! It was hilarious!! Now you know what Brandon is teaching our son! ;) (I was debating if I should post this picture, but Brandon said it was too funny to pass up. Good thing our blog is private!)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

We are going to make MILLIONS.....

We just moved Tyson to a big boy bed on Saturday so that when the baby comes she can have the crib. (He will be 3 in November, but if I could have I would have left him in a crib until he was 5). I was nervous that he would always be trying to get out of his room since he doesn't want to take naps or go to bed anymore, but we have somehow created an invisible force field that magically keeps Tyson in bed. Once I figure out what it is we will patent it and make millions. This force field is only deactivated when we open the door. Tyson will stay in bed and yell "Mom, I'm done snoozing" or " Mom, its morning and I am awake" but he will not get out of bed until I come and get him. This morning he was calling for me for about 15 minutes while I got dressed to go running. I love that he does this, and I know it will be short lived, but until than YAHOOO for us!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Our long weekend at the Cabin!

This past weekend Brandon took Friday and Monday off so week could have a mini vacation at the cabin! It was such a nice getaway! We left home Thursday night so we could enjoy all day Friday. We got up Friday and went running (I did a run walk, being at altitude and getting so big!:) Then we took the boat and headed for Strawberry Reservoir for the day. Tyson loved it! He was so good and kept his life jacket on the whole time. Not long after we got on the lake, Tyson thought it was fun to throw his gold fish crackers into the lake to watch them swim! Soon after that while Brandon and I were manning the big fishing rods, Tyson using his Scooby Doo fishing rod dropped it into the lake. All of the sudden I see a little green speck sinking to the bottom and Tyson is yelling "Dad, Catch it" That was the end of our Scooby Doo fishing rod!

We did end up catching this fish shortly after we got on the lake! It was the biggest fish I have ever caught. I reeled it in, but Brandon reminded me it was a joint effort!:)

This fish was our second fish, and he wasn't quite as big, but he had a big adventure. Because I wanted the photo opp this fish accidentally got dropped 3 times (he was a wiggly one) and I was holding him so tight for the picture that he pooped on my hand, which is Tyson's favorite thing to tell people about fishing on the boat! Pictures are sure a great reminder of how big I get when I am preggo! I didn't think my face was getting so chubby! It was a great day on the lake!

The next day we headed up to the Unita's to do some more fishing. We first had to stop at the Kamas hardware store and pick up a new fishing rod for Tyson :) Then we stopped at Moosehorn (since there wasn't much hiking involved) and did some fishing there. The fish were jumping and we had some bites, but we didn't catch anything!

Sunday we used as a relaxing day! We went on a walk and a four-wheel ride and stopped and fed the horses!

These pictures are a little out of order, because before the four-wheel ride and walk, we got a call from Brandon's Mom and Dad letting us know that they were almost to the Cabin because Brandon's dog Jimmy had passed away and they were going to burry him at the Cabin. Brandon got Jimmy 12 years ago. A year before he left on his mission. Jimmy was such a good dog! After Brandon left on his mission (of course Stan and Marilyn took care of Jimmy) but Colin took over in watching Jimmy, once Colin left on his mission, Zak took over, so Jimmy was the family dog, but anytime he was naughty, Marilyn would call him Brandon's dog! Tyson loved Jimmy! His favorite thing to do was take him for walks and feed him anything!

This is Jimmy's gravesite! It was cute when I took this picture Tyson was with me and he said, "Jimmy was so brave, I loved him."

Here is our little family picture before we left the Cabin and headed to Park City to do a little shopping. Tyson didn't want to leave the Cabin, so we made him all excited to go to Park City. By the time we left he was saying, "I love Park City" It was a great long weekend!