Monday, April 20, 2009

Our action packed weekend!

Ange and Lily waiting to cheer on Brandon!

This Saturday Brandon ran his first marathon. The Salt Lake City Marathon! Since I was going to be there with the kids I signed up for the 5K. I called Ange and she kindly and bravely helped me with the kids and ran the 5K with me. Brandon did fantastic. About a week before the race we realized that this race was a Boston marathon qualifier and that Brandon needed to run it in 3hrs and 10mins to qualify. Well, Brandon just trained to finish, not to qualify, but he still did awesome. His running time was 3hrs and 13mins. (You are reading that right, he was only 3 minutes away from qualifying) well technically his finishing time was 3hrs and 15mins (he had to make one potty break!) He is amazing! I am so proud of him!

Tyson walking through the "roses" waiting for Dad! He loves gardens. He spent all his time (while we were waiting) finding sticks, smelling flowers, picking berries and filling up cracks and holes in the sidewalk with berries!

Tyson with our encouraging signs!

Crazy Tyson!

I was so excited to see Brandon I didn't realize that I had the camera on too long and it turned itself off. Luckily Brandon turned and waved at us! Way to go B!

The only two pictures I got of Brandon running!

After finishing. Tyson wanted to eat and drink everything of Brandon's.

Stan and Marilyn came to see their B!

Cute Nana and Lily!
Tyson helping Dad clean up. After Brandon did that Tyson asked me to pour water into his hands and he did the same thing. It was too funny!

Me and my Marathoner!

So, the 5K, I know it's nothing compared to a marathon, but quite a fun ordeal! Sometimes I don't understand Salt Lake city. The have been doing this race for 6 years now, you would think they would have the kinks worked out. Well, in our instructions the 5k runners were told to park at the Gateway and take Trax to the starting line, so we get to a Trax station and decide to wait for the University train that drops us off right at the starting line instead of the Sandy train that drops us off two blocks away. We are waiting and waiting (with other runners) when a Trax worker tells us there was some miscommunication and the University train is not running so we need to take the Sandy train and walk two we got on a packed train, Ange with the kids, me with the stroller. We get off, get the kids in the stroller and start jogging to the start when we hear... 8..7..6 and the gun. Awesome the race started. We decided that since I had a timing chip on my shoe, we would take a quick potty break and start when we were ready. We ended up starting 6 minutes late and in the end we passed 2000 people (with a double stroller) doing 8:11 minute miles! I was proud of us. We did feel bad for the bikers though. They had to use the same course as the 5k runners so the runners were supposed to keep the left side open for the bikers. So Ange and I used that as an opportunity to help the bikers and ourselves. We would yell "bikers on the left" to get people to move for the bikers and when it was clear we would pass of the left too! (We always stayed out of the way for the bikers) It worked pretty well! It was a fun race.

Then Sunday we went to Brandon's parents ward because Zak was being ordained as a Priest. Nana had an exciting time being Tyson's teacher and chasing him and 5 other 4year olds down the hall. After church we headed to their house for dinner and Brandon took two bites of dinner and got a piece of roast beef stuck in his esophagus. This happened 5 years ago and we had to go to the ER to have the GI specialist take it out. He has since then had his esophagus dilated 3 or 4 times. Well, Sunday was another trip to the ER. Stan and Marilyn kept the kids and off we went. We got to Timp and they gave Brandon some medicine to try to get it to move but that didn't help, so they called in the GI specialists. This time they only put Brandon under part way so his gag reflex would help out with the saliva, so he saw and felt them shoving tubes and the camera down his throat. Not fun! He will have his esophagus dilated again in a couple weeks. Both times we have gone to the ER it was because of Roast Beef, so NO MORE ROAST BEEF FOR B!!!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Dying eggs. Tyson was so excited we couldn't get him to sit down! Lily was just cute and played in her high chair!

Tyson did such a good job! He did the stickers all by himself!
Checking out the Easter goodies! He was even excited about Lily's basket. (Binikies and a blanket!)

Finding the eggs! Nothing is more fun than the excitement of a little kid on the holidays!
(I know that Tyson's jammies make him look homeless, but they still kindof fit so even though they are falling apart, we still have him wear them. We should have thought about putting some better jammies on him, knowing we would be taking pictures of the Easter egg hunt:)

All the real eggs! He was so proud!
And here is cute Lily! Can't forget her! She slept thru the whole hunt. What a good girl!

My attempt at the kids easter pictures! Tyson was grumpy and not willing to do what we wanted, but I think they turned out pretty cute!
At church Tyson had to give the scripture in Primary and he did an exceptional job! He speaks so loud and clearly, even the big words!
After church we went to my moms for another Easter egg hunt. She is crazy and hid about 50 eggs for the 3 little ones. They had a blast, and I took a ton of pictures (but blogger wouldn't upload them for some reason!) For the two older grandkids, Laine and Kaylee, Mom did a treasure hunt for them. She sent them everywere in the house and outside (even in the attic) they loved it! Then we enjoyed yummy food! What a great Easter!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Family Night and Conference Weekend

For family night last week we went bowling and out to eat with our friends Todd, Megan and their girls (or Tyson's girls ;) It was Tyson's first time bowling and he had the best time ever! Of course out of all of us (even the kids) I had the lowest score. Yay for me! It was really fun! Thanks Todd and Megan!
Tyson and the awesome ramp! I wish I could have used it! ;)Elsie's Turn.
Tyson's picture of Brandon. Nice form B!

Tyson and "his girls" Elsie and Livvie! Too Cute!

Our angel Lily slept almost the whole time!

For conference weekend we always go to Brandon's parents cabin and enjoy conference there. It was a great weekend! Great food, good, I mean great company ;), shopping! A lot of fun! This year their was a ton of snow. It snowed Friday night into Saturday morning. We got there late Friday night, got up Saturday and Brandon needed to go running, but with all the snow Stan had to drive B down a ways so he could run on some snow free roads! Then once they got back and the first session of conference was over Marilyn and I went to the Park City outlets for some killer deals! It was fun! We spent the rest of Saturday and Sunday enjoying conference, snowmobiling and playing! What a great weekend!

When people stay over at the cabin they get to put their hand print on the wall. Here is a small portion of the wall.
The grand kids get their own wall and get to put their hand and foot prints. Well, we did Tyson's in green, so I decided to do Lily's in this goldish color. While we were doing Lily's Tyson came down and asked why we were putting Lily's feet and hands in poop stuff! I guess it is kind of poop color! :)

Tyson in the twirly bird hat that B used to wear when he was little!
The snowman!

Cute Tyson!

Colorful Cori!
My cute guys!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Happy 6 Months Lily!!

I can't believe it, but our little Lily is already 6 months old! She is the sweetest baby in the world! She is a little cuddle bug and loves attention from everyone! (Especially Tyson!) I am always telling Tyson to get off of her (because he is 40lbs and I don't want her squished) but every time he gets off of her she has a huge smile on her face! She loves her big brother and he loves her to pieces! I get her stats on Thursday, so I will post them then!
Lily we love you and your sweet disposition! And your smile melts our hearts! Happy 6 months!

Lily's 6 month stats:
14lbs 8oz (25%)
25.5inches (50%)
43cm head (70%)
and as cute as a bug!