Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter!

Dying eggs. Tyson was so excited we couldn't get him to sit down! Lily was just cute and played in her high chair!

Tyson did such a good job! He did the stickers all by himself!
Checking out the Easter goodies! He was even excited about Lily's basket. (Binikies and a blanket!)

Finding the eggs! Nothing is more fun than the excitement of a little kid on the holidays!
(I know that Tyson's jammies make him look homeless, but they still kindof fit so even though they are falling apart, we still have him wear them. We should have thought about putting some better jammies on him, knowing we would be taking pictures of the Easter egg hunt:)

All the real eggs! He was so proud!
And here is cute Lily! Can't forget her! She slept thru the whole hunt. What a good girl!

My attempt at the kids easter pictures! Tyson was grumpy and not willing to do what we wanted, but I think they turned out pretty cute!
At church Tyson had to give the scripture in Primary and he did an exceptional job! He speaks so loud and clearly, even the big words!
After church we went to my moms for another Easter egg hunt. She is crazy and hid about 50 eggs for the 3 little ones. They had a blast, and I took a ton of pictures (but blogger wouldn't upload them for some reason!) For the two older grandkids, Laine and Kaylee, Mom did a treasure hunt for them. She sent them everywere in the house and outside (even in the attic) they loved it! Then we enjoyed yummy food! What a great Easter!


Cori and Colin said...

How fun!!! That is probably the cutest dress I've ever seen!! Lily is so adorable!

adrianne s. said...

Those pictures turned out so cute!! I love Lily's dress!! Your eggs are adorable, too and we have the same high chair!!

nana said...

I especially like the bottom right picture of Tyson. The orange looks great with the black background. My cute little grandchildren!

Requel said...

How fun. Your pics look so good. I need you to take some of Bella for me!

Andi said...

The orange dress is the cutest thing I've seen!

Andrea said...

I love Lily's dress, Children's Place is awesome! Cute pics of the kids. And how do you get Brandon to help with the eggs? Court refuses!