Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Birthday/Thanksgiving!

We sure didn't plan very well having our first baby....Lucky Tyson gets to have his birthday on Thanksgiving every 4 years! He was due on Thanksgiving day, but came two days late!
We are sure thankful for him!
Some things about Tyson from these 4 short/long years!Tyson at 1 week old! He has always been our awesome sleeper! To this day he still takes the occasional nap and very rarely complains about going to bed!Tyson has always been our TV kid! It was heaven sent when he was really little so I could get things on the other hand if he gets too much TV he gets rather grumpy with us! The above picture is when we used to swaddle him and he still managed to watch TV upside down! Below we used to have to put the ottoman in front of the TV to keep him back a little and so he didn't push buttons!Another thing about Tyson is that he has always loved to be outside and especially play in the dirt. We have multiple pictures of him "swimming" in the dirt (like above). The more mud and dirt the better!Tyson has been and always will be CRAZY!!!He is also one of the happiest and most friendly kids you will ever meet! He loves to talk to random people and he always makes new "friends" everywhere we go! (We were at Home Depot today and he came and told me a cute little blond girl was his new friend!)Tyson loves to dress up and pretend he is someone else!Tyson loves to be preschool he likes to make everyone laugh!Tyson loves to wiggle his naked bum! Like father like son! Brandon's Mom still remembers when Brandon mooned her YW! Tyson just started a bit younger!Tyson is an amazing big brother! He loves to wrestle with Lily and gives her hugs all the time! They are so cute together!Tyson is so sweet and tells me quite often that I look beautiful! He loves when I have my toenails painted and loves to help paint them!He also loves to dress up his sister!So happy in the dirt!He is the silliest kid! He loves to run and jump! (He has gotten in trouble at other preschool houses for jumping on the couch...I guess I taught him a bad habit!)Tyson loves to take pictures of everything!He loves to be silly!

Happy Birthday Tyson!!! We love you!

Happy Thanksgiving!

I am thankful for...

My Kids

My Husband

Mine and Brandon's Family

The Gospel

My Health

My Home

My Friends

My ability to stay home

My Blog (so I can remember my life)

Brandon's Job

Fast Food(I am a fast food junkie...good thing I like to run)

The ability to run


Thanksgiving so that we take time to think about what we are thankful for!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Our first Friend Birthday Party!

This year we decided to brave our first friend birthday party!
We did a superhero theme! I had an Ironman cake, pin the web on Spiderman, Superhero bingo, Superhero cakewalk, and Frozone freeze dance. It was a lot of fun!
All the kids had to become Superhero's by lifting a heavy weight to prove their strength, crawl through a tunnel to prove their agility, and knock down a tower just because that is what superhero's do to save someone!
Each kid got a cape with their initial on it! (Thanks to my Mom in law for sewing all of these for me! You are the best!!!!!!)

Playing pin the web on Spiderman. Brandon had them all do the Spiderman web slinging!

They all colored their web to play the game!

This picture didn't turn, but these are my homemade cake walk pictures! I am not artistic, so I was really proud of myself. Can you tell who each symbol represents???

The party animals!

One friend was missing in the other here are all the kids patiently waiting for the Phineas and Ferb soundtrack!

Doing the Freeze dance!

This was our youngest friend Bella. She will be two in a month. She loved showing how strong she is! Too cute!

Opening presents. (Can you see Bella in the background still lifting the weight!?)

Superheros helping with presents!

At the end the "Villain" stole the cake so the Superhero's had to save the day by capturing the Villain and tickling him until he talked so they could save the party and the cake!

Brandon showing how strong he is while the kids were enjoying their pizza and cake!

Tyson thinks it is pretty funny to blow out the candles before we are done singing!

Can't forget cute Lily! She slept for half of the party!

She is a little climber! I turned around and she had climbed from a stool onto the chair!

What a great Superhero party!
Thanks for coming Chesney, Jaycie, Livvie, Elsie, Kyle, Kade and Bella!
Happy 4 years Tyson!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Tyson's 4 year old and Lily's 1 year old pics

So as the kids have gotten older, it has gotten harder and harder to be their photographer! They just don't listen to Mom! Lily just wants to walk or crawl to me and Tyson is well, just Tyson! I wasn't so sure about the first set of pictures I did at Sugarhouse (Lily in orange and Tyson in hoops shirt) So I took them to the pond in our neighborhood! Once I finished editing them I liked way to many goes picture overload of some cute little stinks!!!
Got to love those eyes!

Silly kid!
(pay no attention to the gross spider webs on the bench!)

This is my fav of Lily!
Lip tucked in...cute!
I love this one of Tyson!
Such good buddies!

Love her face!
Doing Karate! (Love It!!)

Check out the double chin!

So Happy!

A really grainy picture, but I love her pointing!

Love that face!

Another fav of Lily!

Where's Tyson?!?

Mr. Cool!