Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween...and Go Utes!!
Of Course this is what are kids are for Halloween. (We are not pictured, but we were Ute fans!)
Aren't they just so cute in red!
Lily finally decided that walking is the way to go! We thought she was going to be walking at about 10 months...but she tricked us! Now she walks all over the place! She is way to little to be walking!
Tyson was having a rough day on Halloween! We had a lot of melt downs! Here is one!
Lily loves to crawl/walk toward the camera when I am taking her picture!
Tyson and his pumpkins! He did not want Lily in this picture with him!!!

We (Brandon) only carved two out of the 6 pumpkins and Tyson drew on the rest! He also drew the faces that B carved! Cute!

We had a great Halloween! We showed the kids to Grandma. (Sorry Nana and Papa, we ran out of time! But Tyson did wear his uniform for you earlier!) Then we went to Todd and Megans to go trick or treating and have pizza and watch the Utah game! At their house they have one street where all the neighbors come to. They all set up tables or chairs or their cars and the kids just do the one street. It was really nice because you cover a lot of people in a short amount of time! Tyson thought it was great! Although because there were so many people on one street Tyson would get confused and say trick or treat and grab into someones bucket that was trick or treating themselves! He did it 3 times and to the same person on two different occasions!!
We then went back to the house and Livvie, Elsie and Tyson played and played and we enjoyed the game and some homemade kettle corn and yummy cinnamon chi tea! Thanks Megan!


adrianne s. said...

Red is definitely their color! Such cute little fans!!

Emily said...

I can't beleive she is walking everywhere now. They grow up way to fast! They look so cute!

Megan Adamson said...

They were the cutest Ute fan I have ever seen. Thanks for coming over. We had a lot of fun!

Angie said...

Way too cute!!!! I am so bummed that I didn't get to see any of my nieces or nephews for halloween. It just wasn't the same :(