Wednesday, September 26, 2012


 Macy 17 months
Lily 22 months

You can definatly tell they are sisters... but they have different eyes!
They are so cute I could eat them up!!!!
Poor Macy and all her hand me downs!!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Preschool and the girlies!

 Here is Lily on her first day of preschool! She is getting so big and LOVES that she gets to go to school!
 I am doing a neighborhood co-op preschool this year it is only once a week.
She still has another year of preschool next year!!
 My kids can't handle the sun! I guess next time I will take the pictures inside! Cute little Macy had to join in with her big sister!
 Cute Macy Bug!
 I try to run errands with just Macy while Lily is at school, but I do for sure while Tyson is at school! The less kids at the store the better!
But this day at Smith's Lily was my little shopper!
She did everything all by herself!!
 These are just random pictures! Lily wants me to take her picture all the time!!
 Little rag-a-muffins in the backyard!
 Lily loves to take pictures too! Nice flower shot!
 Me fixing Macy's hair!
 Me and Macy behind a plant!
 And the girls relaxing!
Tyson is gone from 8:10am till 3:45pm so it is me and the girls almost all day long!
We miss our Tyson though!
 The other night the sunset was so pretty just lighting the mountains and the valley was dark!
I love the view from our back deck!