Tuesday, December 24, 2013

8 is Great!

 We are so proud of Tyson for making the choice to be baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints!
Here is the invitation we sent out to friends and family!
 I copied this idea from a friends blog, she had a professional take hers, but I tried it on my own!
 We took Tyson's pics in September because I am weird and didn't want these picture to have him with his braces! But his actual baptism day does have braces!
He was rather concerned that I was taking these pics before he was 8 and before his baptism!
He is funny that way!

 He was pretty silly during the pictures (as you can tell) but that is Tyson to a T!

 He was so excited! They were the first ones there (for a 9am start time) and when the member of the bishopric got there he was skipping in the halls with excitement!
 Classic Tyson...always doing bunny ears!
He asked Grandma Wendy to give the talk on the Holy Ghost and she did awesome! (as usual, she is a great speaker!)
And Tyson was so cute as they were getting out of the font he said "it is cooolllddd!" and I think everyone heard him! :)
I cried from start to finish! I swear all I do is cry!
It all started with Macy belting out I am a Child of God for the opening song!
 We had yummy breakfast food at our house for afterwards!
I made Papa stay in his church clothes so I could take pics and this was his response to that!!
 A bunch of cousins and friends enjoying food!
 Chesney and "other" Macy playing games!
 Great Grandma Sadler and her friend Glen made it!
 Grandma Wendy had just had jaw surgery a couple days before and she was swollen like a chipmunk on one side, so we hid it with Tyson!
 Tyson asked Colin to be a witness for him! And of course cute Cori!
 Our friend Brittany! (the rest of her family is pictured later!)
 Uncle Zak!
 Tiff and her girls!! (Tom had just had major knee surgery!)
 Tylon, Tyson and Nana!
 Crazy Tyson!
 Cute Nana and Papa!
 Matt, Stella and Macy (the rest of Brittany's family) and the Kjars - Maely, Bryan, Holly, Tylon, Casyn and Bryly

 Maely the future football player!
 I didn't like our family pic the day of the baptism, so I made the fam take another pic before church and these are what I got!!
Love my family!
Yay Tyson!!!

1 comment:

nana said...

Whew. . .it was great to read all that you've been doing the past while. Glad you got to see your dad. Glad everyone is almost feeling well. Hopefully, the Milk of Magnesia will help Macy. Crazy. . .