Monday, June 20, 2011


For Christmas the kids got the Grow your own Butterflies kit from their cousins. (Thanks Paige and Trey!) So this spring we ordered our caterpillars and watched them transform into beautiful butterflies!
Tyson's preschool class did this too, so Tyson wanted to hold the butterflies before we let them go like he did at preschool!
Lily thought it was awesome too!
(Got to love her crazy hair!)
Macy didn't want to hold one!!! ;)
and it was too windy for her to be outside, so this is where she was just inside the door while we let them go!


nana said...

Yahoo. . .the butterflies got to fly away. Macy's little face looks so cute. And of course, the other two little faces are adorable!

Cori and Colin said...

Macy is so adorable!!! That was such a good idea!