Sunday, March 4, 2012


For the 100th day of school. The kids were able to dress like they were 100 years old!
Here is our interpretation of Tyson at 100!

His hair is parted, he has on Dollar Store reading glasses (with the lenses popped out) and suspenders! (My Grandpa always has suspenders on!!) And Grandpa's always bend over!!??!!
He would also say, "Hey sonny...."
Oh and I guess old people always are or look grumpy!!??!
He was funny about it!
I think he makes a handsome 100 year old!

One night while getting the kids ready for bed, Lily decided to dress up!
She is Green Lantern, Utah football player, superhero, butterfly ladybug, ballerina!!
Silly Girl!

And how can you resist two cute little ones playing in the tub!!

1 comment:

Requel said...

Oh that's funny! Yes lets get together again soon! I'll call ya later today.