Monday, September 21, 2009

Tyson says such crazy things...

Here is Tyson for his first day of preschool! We did a co-op group preschool this year (since he still has two more years until Kindergarten) He loves it. He is such a social kid and loves to learn and play!

The other day all three of us were playing in the living room and I wrote Lily's name on the magnadoodle and showed it to her. I did her y with a curvy bottom and Tyson told me that Y's are straight. So he grabbed the magnadoodle and wrote his whole name! I was shocked to say the least. I haven't worked on any letters with him (again still two more years until kindergarten...why push?) The O is in the wrong place, but it fit better there to him! I was so proud of him! We hurried and called Brandon at work to tell him. Then I had him write it on paper and I will save it forever!!! One proud Mom!!

Tyson has said some of the funniest things lately... I thought I would share!

A couple Saturday's ago we were cleaning the garage, the windows, the shed, the cars (spring cleaning in September! Marathon training has set us back a little!) Anyways, Tyson found our old fish bowl and filled it up with water and took the bike pump and started making bubbles. I went in to shower while Brandon finished up and Tyson asked him for the car wash soap. Brandon let him put some in the fish bowl (Tyson added more when Brandon wasn't looking!) and then he made some great big bubbles with the tire pump! So much fun and smart on Tyson's part. Well, while we were driving to my Mom's, Brandon was telling me about the soap and Tyson pipes up and tells us...

"My brain has special thinking power!" He is right! One smart kid with a fish bowl, water, soap and a bike pump!

Tyson has been rather upset that we are trying to sell our house. He has cried on several occasions telling us he doesn't want to move. (He doesn't do well with change...when I have changed pictures in our picture frames that are around the house, he asks me constantly to put them back the way they were. He asked me just this Sunday if Nana would change her couches back the way they used to be. Don't ask me why, he just doesn't like change!)
Anyways, we have told him we are going to move because we are getting too big for our house. If we have another baby we will feel way too over crowded! So the other day we had this conversation...
Tyson: Mom, if we don't sell our house and have to stay here and we get to big will you and Dad just have to bend to get in?
Me: No Tyson, we aren't going to get big like that...if our family grows our family will seem too big for our house.
It amazes me how these little minds work!

The other day while riding in the car Tyson tells me, "Mom did you know that Ferb (from Phineas and Ferb on Disney channel) tricked out the Meaps spaceship!?!"
Me: "I didn' you know what "tricked out" means?"
Tyson: "Yeah it is when you get car parts and change it and add fire and stuff"
What 3 year old says "tricked out"
It was awesome!
I love little kids!

1 comment:

Andi said...

LOL about the "bend" comment.

Good luck on your marathon next week!