Sunday, October 21, 2012

My Little Brother gets Married!!

 My little brother Ryan is 6 years younger than me and the baby of the family! He and his beautiful bride Erynn got married on 10/11/12.
 My super cute niece Kaylee!!
Ryan and Erynn did a "Red Carpet Wedding"
So, the Ceremony and Reception were at a movie theater. They had made movie posters with their faces and the bridal parties faces Photoshopped into them, and have famous actors cut-outs for everyone to pose with!
 Me and my cute Macy!!
 Tyson and Lily with Cat women! They wanted to pose with every cutout!!
 My cute Grandma and Grandpa Spencer!
Grandma knew they were kind of going with the 1960ish era, so she pulled out her old dress and hat and fur coat (that she got before my Dad was born!)
 Right after they were married!
Look at the smiles on those faces!!
 Me and my cute girls!!
 Tyson LOVED being another photographer with Brandon's Iphone!
 Ange, Cam and sweet baby Ava!
 Tiff, Tom and Kaylee!
 Lily had to have a turn being Photographer!!
 My cute fam!
 Mom and Frank!
 My super cute Grandma's!!
 Dad got to meet Ava for the first time!
 Jackie, Jeanne, and Kate
They were hilarious!! I think they posed with EVERY cardboard cutout!!
 What a cute couple!!
We chipped in and hired a driver of a 1958 Rolls-Royce to drive them away!
Congrats Ryan and Erynn!
We love you guys!!

1 comment:

nana said...

Everyone looks so handsome-ly nice!! Ryan looks very happy to be a husband!