Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas with Great Grandma Spencer!

 So, Great Grandma and Grandpa Spencer are going to Washington State to stay with my Aunt Georgi for Christmas, so we celebrated with them at Red Robin early!
It was great because no one was at Red Robin on a Monday night, so we had a whole area to ourselves.
We ate, let Grandma open presents, then the kids opened theirs and they played!!
(Grandpa decided in Grandpa fashion that he wasn't feeling good and he went home.)
It was really fun and really yummy food!!
Merry Christmas Grandma!!
So the pictures are awful, but I still wanted to document! You just never know how many Christmas's we have left with cute Grandma! (she is 89 years old after all!!)
The top picture was my practice shot, the below picture a waiter took for us...rather blurry!! Oh well!

1 comment:

nana said...

So much going on. . .and may I add the boots are cute!