Thursday, February 21, 2013

Did we get a dog??...

 Oh, it is just our deer friends!
They take to same two routes through our yard almost every day/night!
All of those tracks in the snow are from the deer. We have a herd of about 12 to 15 that travel together!
 Their favorite trail is the diagonal one thru the center of the yard.
Because of it we have A LOT of deer poop in our yard...I hope it is good fertilizer!
 I don't know if you can see the round spots on the patio, but one night the deer set up camp just outside our bedroom window. There were 5 of them. Brandon wouldn't let me take a picture because he didn't want the flash to scare them away!
 Here are some of our friends!
We sure love where we live and we love our new pet deer that we get to enjoy!!


nana said...

I love those critters too! Notice our ivy on the house next time you come by. When you get your fence we'll see how high they want to jump or you can leave the gate open.

Tiffini Simmons said...

Way to cool!