Friday, January 31, 2014

Tooth Fairy!

 The other night we were eating dinner and Lily was eating an orange when all the sudden she started crying. I asked what was wrong and she said her tooth was "broken"! We had no idea that she even had a loose tooth :) I told her it was a loose tooth and thru her tears she got a huge Lily smile and was so excited! But she then felt like she couldn't eat!!
The next day she was eating a banana with Nutella and she came crying to me that her tooth was lost! We looked at her banana and in her nutella and no tooth! She had swallowed it!
She was devastated!! She was worried the Tooth Fairy wouldn't come if she didn't have a tooth to give!
I let her know we would write the Tooth Fairy a note and all would be ok!!
Picture above is right after she lost it, red eyes from crying!
 Ready for bed and ready for the Tooth Fairy!!

 This is word for word what she wanted her note to say!
"Dear Tooth Fairy,
Sorry I swallowed my tooth!
But can I still have some money please?
Love, Lily Russell"
 The Tooth Fairy left her $1 and this note in return!
Don't worry about swallowing your tooth.
Kids do it all the time.
Congratulations on loosing your first tooth!
The Tooth Fairy"

1 comment:

nana said...

Ohhh. . .now I get the story! She's not even in kindergarten.