Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July weekend

Our 4th of July weekend was a lot of fun! One thing that made it so much fun was Tyson and the funny little things he says... On Friday we went running in the morning and when we got back we decided to go to good old Home Depot for home improvement stuff. So we changed our shirts to be a little less stinky and Brandon happened to put on a shirt with a soccer ball on it...
Tyson: Dad, did you play soccer?
Brandon: Yes I did!
Tyson: I am so proud of you Dad!!

Sometimes 2yr olds surprise me at what they pick up on!
So later that day we took Tyson to the Orem pool. What a great pool for little kids. It was awesome, he would jump into the water, float on Brandon's back and splash and splash. Thank goodness for swimming lessons, last year it took us a good 30 minutes for him to get use to playing in the water! This year he didn't want us to leave!

These pictures of Tyson at the pool are when we were ready to leave. When we first got to the pool we asked him if he wanted to play in this area and he said that it was for babies, but when it was time to leave he thought it was the greatest!

That night we bought some fireworks. Brandon and I have never been firework people since we have been married, so this was Tyson's first year doing fireworks. We got home from dinner around 7:30 and our neighbors were doing their fireworks so we decided to join them in the daylight. Tyson loved the fireworks. Then we did sparklers. He thought they were pretty cool until he grabbed the top when the sparkler went out. That was the end of sparklers for him!

Saturday we went running again, but because I am getting bigger and slower I have to stop before Brandon is done running. Luckily we have a retention pond behind our neighborhood that has a running path around it, so I can stop and walk while Brandon continues with as many laps as his heart desires. Well, Brandon was on his last lap so I started walking toward our neighborhood. They started to catch up to me and I hear a little voice... "Run Mommy Run" I didn't answer so he said "I said, Run Mom Run" they passed me and Tyson still encouraging me said "Come on Mom, Run!" He is so cute.
Tyson and I then left Brandon to paint our living room and we went to my mom's house. We had a great time. Tyson swam and then we "lelaxed and watched a ovie" (relaxed and a movie).

Sunday we went to Brandon's parents house after church for dinner. Tyson played harder than I think he has ever played before without stopping. During dinner he was even running around the table. He played real hard with his Papa!

Our future camera man!

We were driving home and noticed that we hadn't heard from Tyson for awhile and this is what we found! He had fallen asleep almost as soon as we left because he played so hard. He sleeps like his Dad, tongue out and all! It was awesome because he slept the next morning until 9:00 (heaven!) We later talked to Papa and he had a hard time waking up to go to work the next morning because Tyson had worn him out too! It was a great weekend!


Andi said...

Oh, I really missed everyone over the 4th! I always think about how much fun Paige and Tyson would have playing... he's such a cute kid!

Emily said...

I love you Man! I laughed through your whole post. What a cute kid. That pool does look awesome! Mabye we will have to go there with you next summer! (Hint hint... Check our blog) I loved that you got some "lelaxing" time in. You should meet up with his Papa every day so that he would sleep in until 9:00. Can you imagine "heaven" every day?

Cori and Colin said...

Tyson is the funniest kid ever (he takes after his parents). We're sad we missed everyone over the 4th... when you're at the bottom of the food chain at work you don't pick your schedule... We're proud of Brandon's soccer legacy too.

Lisa R said...

Way cool pictures! Looks like you had a great time at the pool and on the 4th! Tyson is SO cute!

The Bentley's said...

looks like fun!!love the cute things ty says.. kids are the too funny!