Monday, January 25, 2010

I should have known...

We finally got us a new computer desk! We originally had a walmart special, then I sold that at a yard sale. Then we sat on the floor for about 4 months until finally deciding on this!
I thought it would be fun to get the kids a little table and stools so they could color or play next to us if we were on the computer!
I should have known!
Lily has never sat on the stools...they are only used to help her climb onto the table! This plan backfired!!! Now when Lily comes in I have to move the table away from the desk (then she tries to carry it back herself) or I have to put the stools on my bed! Funny girl!


Megan Adamson said...

Elsie still uses the stools to climb on everything. When do they stop this?

nana said...

Isn't interesting to look at the world from Lily's perspective. . .what a cutie!

Emily said...

That looks awesome! Ikea? What a cool mom you are to make a mountain for lily to climb. Let's play soon! I need to call you!

Andi said...

Loved the family pictures! It was a great time.

I like your colors of your desk. We have the same stools from Ikea and Trey uses them to get to anything and everything! He carries them around the house, and when I've had enough they go on "time-out" on the fridge. I'm seeing the ER sometime in our future...

Anonymous said...

Smart little stink!

Cori and Colin said...

haha, she's so stinkin' cute!