Friday, May 21, 2010


Sweet little Lily had to get tubes yesterday!
I am always sad when I have to wake my sleeping babies, but we had to leave at 6:15am.
It was so quick, they got us checked in, we waited about 10 minutes, they got her baseline vitals, explained everything to me, wrapped her in a warm blanket and carried her away (screaming of course!)
15 minutes later they brought her to me.
The hardest part of me was when she was waking up. She was so uncomfortable in every position I held her and she was so confused on what had just happened to her!
We were home by 7:45. 30 Minutes drive time, 1 hour procedure time! Pretty awesome if you ask me! I am used to going to Brandon's throat/other procedures and being there for hours!
About an hour later she was back to our silly little Lily!
Playing in the waiting room. She didn't like the information bracelet she and I had to wear!

Nice mullet! I did attempt to put a clip in the front to help out the style!

She was our super patient!
Hopefully this is the end to ear infections!
7 or 8 (I can't remember) in the last 9 months! YUCK!


Requel said...

I forgot she was having that done this week. I'm so glad everything went well. I can just see her screaming as they carry her away from you. Poor thing. That's pretty awesome that it only took a few minutes and that she was back to normal really fast. I hope she's done with ear infections too. Sick babies suck!!

nana said...

I'm glad you took pictures. She looks so cute and her hair is getting soo long!

Andi said...

Yea for tubes! I had them too, but I was much older. I think they are a bit more proactive now.

And of course I "heart" Target. Paige ends preschool on Wednesday, so no more Target 3x a week (her preschool is just down the road from it). Think of all the money I will save...