Friday, May 28, 2010

Schools Out For Summer!

Tyson has graduated yet another year of preschool! (Two to go!)
For the past two years I have done a co-op preschool with ladies in my neighborhood. It has been really nice to give Tyson something to do every Tuesday and Thursday.
But next year we are putting him in a "real" preschool! (We pay and I don't have to teach! YIPPEEE!) Lily eating A LOT of candy and the Graduation party!
She loved preschool too! When it was at our house she had to do what the big kids were doing! She had her own mat for circle time...she colored with them...and of course snack time was always a must!
The kids playing ABC Bingo at the party!
(My camera died after this, but they did a lot of fun things...
Bean bag toss, water balloon toss, cake walk, Popsicles, and played at a water table and on the playground! It was a great party!)

Lily so proud of her big brother!
Way to go Tyson! You are one smart kid!
Tyson's preschool class!
(Morgan, Payton, Tyson, Zander, Bryn, and Kayden)
(I am not sure why we put them facing the sun??!!)

1 comment:

nana said...

HOW FUN!!! And then came Paige and Trey for another great week. . . And Tyson is the tallest in the preschool, besides his nana thinking he is the cutest and smartest!