Sunday, June 13, 2010


So, we did a half marathon on Saturday.
We weren't too sure about how we felt about it, I was not in the mood at all to train for it (but I did) and by the time June 12th came around it was cold and rainy!
We also knew that the race would start early, but we didn't realize it started 5:30 early and that we had to be at the Provo Towne Mall at 4:30 at the latest to catch the last bus, so we had to wake up at 3:00 in the morning so we could leave by 3:45 at the latest!
To top it all off (totally off the subject!) I have been trying to sign the kids up for swimming lessons and the last session I tried for opened registration up at 2:30am so I thought I would just sign them up as soon as I woke up, well at 7:45am all of Tyson's classes were full! Are you kidding me!!??! So I had to wait for this next session to open registration which happened to be this Saturday morning. Lucky for me it opened at 3:30am and I was getting ready for the race and signed them up at 3:30am on the dot! Once I was done registering I noticed that 2 slots were already taken for Tyson's class! Someone else must have set their alarm for 3:30 to insure a spot too!
Anyways, back to the race...when we left it was raining pretty hard and we were really rethinking things. We got there and the rain stopped and we timed it pretty well that we only had to wait about 35minutes for the race to start (even with it starting about 15 minutes late!)
Well, we ended up loving this race. It started up Provo canyon at Vivian Park and was a straight shot to Provo Towne Mall. It was all down hill with 2 uphills towards the end. It rained a little bit for about 2 or so miles, which I didn't mind at all and there was a little bit of a head wind, but not too bad. I did at mile 3 have to tie my shoe! But overall it was a great race! This is a race I would recommend to those thinking about running a half or a full Marathon!
Brandon and I both did great!
Brandon ran it in 1:34:27 (that makes an average of 7:12 min/miles)
He was 35th overall, 27th male, and 4th in his age group.
I ran it in 1:39:49 (average of 7:37 min/mile)
50th overall, 12th female and 3rd in my age group.
Way to go us!
Big thanks to Colin and Cori for sleeping over to be here for our two yoohoo's!
Then to top it off even higher... we had to be at the Draper Temple by 10:30 for a friends wedding. After the luncheon we picked up the kids from Nana (thanks to you too!) fed the kids dinner and by 8:30 all of us were sound asleep!
What a day!
Next Brandon signed up for the Logan Top of Utah Marathon! I am being smart and sitting this one out! ;)
He really wants to give it one more try to qualify for Boston. His last Marathon he only missed it by 3minutes!
Here's to Brandon and his training! Yahoo!


Requel said...

Wow you guys are awesome!!!

nana said...

WOW. . .I need a nap. Congratulations on the run!!!

Alisa said...

Awesome job!! Shay way to go coming in 3rd. Colby told me he saw you there. I really need to try a half marathon sometime!!

Andi said...

My sleep... way more important than swim lessons for my kids. But, I'm glad you were able to multi-task so well! Congrats to both of you.