Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Making Changes!

We snatched up these cute night stands when Brandon's parents were getting rid of them, but as our bedroom has been slowly coming along we decided that brown was not the color we needed, so we thought we would sell them and buy new ones. But as I was pricing out nightstands I was shocked on how much they cost! Even the little night tables with only a top and legs are expensive, so we decided to keep these ones and just repaint them!
Pictures never quite do it justice, but I really like how they turned out!
Although, I do have to say.... re-doing things is NOT my thing. I was ready to be done with it 5 minutes into it! But you can't beat the price. Spray primer and paint...$30. Two new night stands...$150 and up!

My next home improvement project was to add knobs and pulls to our cabinets. This wasn't too bad except for the measuring...(don't look too close they may be a little off!)
I was worried it my look too "busy" but I really like how they turned out!
Way to go me!


Requel said...

Wow you put the knobs and pulls on yourself? Impressive! And the nightstands look really good!

nana said...

I agree. Way to go you!!