Monday, December 13, 2010


Every year we get a live tree and with the worry of it drying out we get it a couple of weeks before Christmas. We always seem to get it at night and it is freezing so I was excited when I was able to get home from shopping with my Mom, Sisters and Brother and it was still light out we could get a tree in the day light! Well, when I got home Brandon and I could smell gas and it was coming from the furnace so we had to call and wait for a repair man!
So, We got the tree in the dark! I guess it is a tradition for us!!!
Once we finally got it inside I took the kids to tub and shower time and got them ready for bed while Brandon put on the lights. Once the kids were ready for bed, Brandon was done with the lights so we decorated!!!
The kids had the best time ever! They loved to have Brandon lift them up to decorate the top and Lily loved one lower spot! She put all her decorations there!! Brandon was in charge of separating the ornaments that were too close to each other!

It turned out pretty darn cute and the kids were really proud of their work!

Last night we busted out the gingerbread house!
I had to frost pretty fast because the candy was disappearing at an even faster rate!
We had so much fun!
Lily kept saying "tah dah"!
Cute little stinks!
We are sure excited for Christmas!

1 comment:

Requel said...

How fun, your tree looks great! Wow Lilly looks like a big girl and her hair is getting so long!