Monday, February 21, 2011

Our Lily!

Our little Lily makes me laugh a lot lately! (She can also be a bit frustrating because she is just as stubborn as her Mom and Dad!)
When I do my make-up I let her hold a mascara tube...well she has figured out how to open it and she ran into her room and shut the door and came out a minute later telling me...
"My eyes pretty Mom...I pretty!"
Then she sang "la la laaaaa" and danced around!
I know almost every girl (and some boys) do this, but it is so darn cute when it is your own!
It is also cute when they don't get it on anything else!!!!
She loves being "pretty" and dancing!
Some of my favorite things she has been saying lately is...
"Thank you Mom, I love it, Thank you" over and over again!
(she is a very grateful little girl)
Or at the store she will find a toy and tell me...
"I buy it Mom, I love it!" about EVERY toy!
She says a lot of cute things I just can't think of anymore right now! (pregnant brain!)

We sure love your spunk Lily!

We love you!!


nana said...

And we love her!

Requel said...

It seems like all of a sudden she has turned into a little girl!! Crazy and cute and we love her too!

Alisa said...

She is one cute little girl!!