Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Family and 40 years!

Over Labor Day Weekend all of Brandon's family were able to head to Colorado and visit Brandon's oldest Brother Derek and his family. It was a great weekend, we got to be a part of Chandler (the oldest grandchild) being ordained a Deacon.
We visited a miniature train museum, and spend a lot of time relaxing and hanging out and letting the kids play until they dropped!
Since all of us were together we took advantage and had an all grandchildren picture!
All of them with their Nana and Papa!
It was a little stressful, but we also were able to get a family picture!
This is really how the family is most of the time!!
Cute Lily! She is a stinker/drama queen, but we still love her!
Macy and Dad watching the kids dance!
Tyson, Brinley, Addie and Paige playing the dancing game on the Wii!
They played non-stop! I didn't even know where Tyson was half the time, but I knew he was having a great time! I wish everyone lived in Utah so we could see them more often!
Tyson can't wait to go to Colorado or Arizona again, he asks us quite often when we are going....I have no idea, but sometime within the next year!
Lily talks about her cousins all the time and always wants to wear her blue shirt that match her cousins!
While we were in Colorado, we surprised Brandon's parents with a little tribute to them and their 40 years of marriage! (Thanks to Andrea for putting it all together!)
Here they are on their actual anniversary at home!
How cute are they!
Happy 40 years you two!
Here's how Tyson and Lily celebrated their 40 years....
Our crazy kids!
(P.S. Brandon's birthday is on their anniversary, so a little shout out to B! Happy Birthday! Happy 33 years! We love you too!)


Cori and Colin said...

Love it!!! That is such a cute picture of Nana and Papa and that has to be the cutest/funniest picture of Lily face-planting it ever!

nana said...

Isn't life grand? Really, it is!

Andi said...

Loved all the pictures. The family ones turned out good! Thanks for being so much more patient than I was... and reassuring my mom that "yes, we will make sure it happens". You are a good daughter-in-law/sister-in-law. All of my SIL are awesome!

Lily is so cute. :)

I think we might be ready to try skyping again... have B email me when/if? you want to try.