Sunday, December 23, 2012

First Dance recital

 Lily had her first dance recital on Monday and she is one little performer!
We curled her hair all cute and on the way into the school it was rain/snowing, so her hair went a little flat, but she still looks adorable!!
 She wasn't scared at all and did such a good job!
I love her cute little smile/laugh when she is excited!!

She did such a great job! I was one proud Mom!!
Way to go Lily bug!!
I tried to post the video, but it didn't work :(

Thursday, December 20, 2012


 Where is Macy under all that crazy morning hair????

There is that cute face that I could just eat up!!
(Notice the tutu... Great Grandma gave it to her and she LOVES it and wears it over her pants all the time!!)

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Santa 2012

 So we usually go see "our" Santa at Kneaders in Lehi, but they changed things this year and "our" Santa wasn't visiting this year and we missed the day the Kneaders had Santa come, so we found WinderFarms had a Santa, so we visited him! He was great!! (and free!!)
Lily ran right up to him and gave him a big hug and asked for a Fashion Barbie.
Tyson asked for Skylanders and Macy............
Was super stoked to see Santa!!
Brandon thought it was hilarious to sit on Santa's lap with a screaming baby!!
Merry Christmas Santa!
Tyson, Lily and Macy were good this year!!
See you soon!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Christmas with Great Grandma Spencer!

 So, Great Grandma and Grandpa Spencer are going to Washington State to stay with my Aunt Georgi for Christmas, so we celebrated with them at Red Robin early!
It was great because no one was at Red Robin on a Monday night, so we had a whole area to ourselves.
We ate, let Grandma open presents, then the kids opened theirs and they played!!
(Grandpa decided in Grandpa fashion that he wasn't feeling good and he went home.)
It was really fun and really yummy food!!
Merry Christmas Grandma!!
So the pictures are awful, but I still wanted to document! You just never know how many Christmas's we have left with cute Grandma! (she is 89 years old after all!!)
The top picture was my practice shot, the below picture a waiter took for us...rather blurry!! Oh well!

Big Tyson turns 7!

 Tyson turned 7 on November 26th.
The night before his birthday he kept asking me if we were making him a surprise or a card. I didn't want to disappoint him, so I found some crape paper and made a birthday sign for him for when he woke up in the morning!!
 A bit cheesy, but Tyson was so excited when he woke up! The first thing he did was give me a hug!!
Also, the stickers on the paper, he found the night before and asked if we were going to make a card using these stickers!! So I did!!
 For his birthday dinner, he asked for pizza rolls and ramen noodles!! :)
 Lily insisted we have all the lights off while he blew out the candles!!
 Big 7 year old ready for school!
 While the kids were waiting for his birthday party to start, they all took turns rolling up like a burrito!
 (forgot to rotate the pic!)
 (again!) Cute kids!!
We did his party 5 days later and took his buddies to the rec center for swimming, then back home for cake, ice cream and presents!
 We did a face cake for Tyson
He picked the picture!!
Too cute!!
 His buddies, Porter, Josh and Jonah came!
Grandma Wendy and Nana and Papa came to join us for cake and ice cream!
Happy Birthday Big Tyson!!
We love you!!

Pulled teeth!!

 When we went to the dentist last month, the dentist decided that Tyson's front tooth wasn't coming out on it's own and it and the one next to it needed to be pulled!
We went to a consultation with the orthodontist before pulling any teeth to see if it would be beneficial to pull more, but he thought the two front teeth were enough!
Tyson did great! They gave him nitrous and he was pretty silly!
So, now he has one huge permanent tooth and a whole bunch of empty space in his cute smile!!
We go back to the orthodontist in March to start phase one of braces with a spacer and possibly front braces. Tyson is so excited!!
p.s. he still hasn't given the Tooth Fairy his two teeth!!
This kid cracks me up!!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Happy Halloween!

 I wasn't a very good Halloween picture taker this year... but here is what I did take
Above are our traditional pumpkin, and Cinderella.

 This was our ghost and Yoda!
I should have taken pictures in the light, because these do not do justice for our mad carving skills!
 Here's our Ninja, Mermaid and little Witch!
 I am bias, but I think they are the cutest things ever!!

 He wanted an action shot!
 We tried to find Macy some striped socks, and My Mom found these cute white and green ones for "infant and toddlers" They must have measured giant infants and toddlers!!

We trick or treated at home with some friends and had the best time! Our neighborhood was packed with trick or treaters! We just left our bowl on the porch!
After we went to Grandma Wendy's for soup and bread sticks it was an awesome Halloween!


 We took the LONG almost 13 hour drive to Tucson to see our neice/cousin Paige get baptised! (or Bathtised if you ask the kids!!)
The drive was well worth it when we got there!
We went to the zoo!
Above the kids are acting like Monkey's!
 Macy and Nana at the zoo!
 And with Papa!
 Lily saw the carriage and HAD to have a picture with it!
 Tyson, Lily, Paige and Trey
 We had to pry Macy away from the xylophone!
 Turtle Trey!
 Turtle Tate!!
 The two headed turtle!
 Macy loved to be with everyone but me and Brandon!
Paige carried her a lot at the zoo!
 Another two headed turtle!
 And another!!
 Had to have a pic with Jabba!
 What good scared faces!
 The kids!
The whole clan!
 This is their neighbors house. They had this huge tarantula with only the legs left from it's victim!
 We left Utah while it was snowing, and it was 80 degree's the whole time we were in Arizona!
The kids played outside all day long!!
 We got to see Trey at his t-ball game!
 Nana painted finger nails and toe nails!
And last but not least Paige got baptized!
The kids were so excited to watch Paige get baptized!
We were so proud of her!
Congrats Paige!!
(That Trey cracks me up!! He is one silly kid!!)
We had a great time!
Cori became Macy's best friend!
Nana taught me a new song!!
Spending time with family is my favorite!

Macy loved playing on the trampoline with Cori!
I couldn't get enough of her running on it, it was like she was floating!
I laugh so hard every time I watch it!!