Monday, January 23, 2012

On Rough Week!

We had a pretty rough week last week!
On Saturday the 14th, our Realtor thru us a house warming party. During the day Lily was acting lethargic and was running a little fever. We were worried to have people over, but it wasn't something we could cancel. So we set her up in our bed and put on movies for her to relax.
We had the party and it was fun and the food was delicious (in fact I had a sandwich and a half!) And after the party was over I started feeling like I had just ate way too much...which a sandwich and a half and some chips is really not that much (about the size of a 6in Subway) but I was feeling yucky!
Well, that night was rough to say the least! I got the stomach flu, Lily was up and down with a fever and cough, and Macy started with a little cold!
Brandon had kid duty and since I wasn't sleeping well, I would hit him every time I heard a kid!
The next day, we all stayed home and rested, but the bad news was Brandon had to fly out of town Sunday night.
I was still achy and had two sick kids and Brandon had to leave out of town! AHHHH!
Luckily my flu was only 24hours, but Lily was refusing to eat, so I took her to the Dr. on Tuesday and she ended up having an ear infection.
It was rough, but we made it! And Brandon made it home on Thursday night when everyone was feeling a lot better! Lucky guy!
The girls were sick, but still were as cute as can be!!


Andrea said...

I hope you have a better week Shay! Your kids are so dang cute!

nana said...

My sympathies on a bad week. . .and those little bottoms all look like the same one!