Thursday, March 28, 2013

A lot of goings ons......

 Sisterly love!
Sometimes these two play so cute while Tyson is as school...other times all they do is fight!!
 These next couple of pictures Lily was playing photographer!
She got Macy with her baby! She LOVES babies!!

 Self portrait!
 All her friends lined up!! 
(there were many more pictures of her friends, but I didn't want 100 more pics on this post!!)
 Don't forget their cute toes!
 I cannot get enough of this little Monkey!!
 Lily dressed this fairy on the ipad.
 And of course Tyson being a classic 7yr old in the background!
 One of our family nights before Valentines was on the topic of Creativity and that all of us can create. So we created Valentine pictures!

 One of Tyson's High Flying Hawk requirements (this is a special award they can earn from school if they do extra projects and pass off extra things like jump roping, book reports, services projects, etc...)
For his service project he decorated food boxes for the Food Bank that will go to the Seniors in the community.
 Signing for the boxes!
 He did most of them, but Lily and Macy did help on a few!

 Lily, Macy and their friend Braylyn having a tea party!
 I saw this hair-do on Pintrest and Lily let me try it on her!
She has a "hair" bow!
I think it is super cute!
Macy wanted a picture too!
I love the crooked half smile!!!
Macy is notorious for falling asleep everywhere!!
The other Sunday in Church, Tyson was reading a friend and leaned over to me and asked if he could plan family night. So he planned the song, the activity (they are coloring circles to get the message), the story and even a video on Mormon Channel that he likes!
What a good kid!!
I just thought she looked so cute this day, so I took a picture!!
Brandon and I are trying to start one on one dates with Tyson and Lily, so I was going with some friends and their girls to the Utes gymnastics meet with the Pass of all Passes, but they sold out so we took the girls to Planet Play instead. We played mini golf, rode the go carts, and played on the play-place.
 Then we stopped for frozen yogert!
Brandon and Tyson did the same thing a few days later! So fun!!
 We had a little accident the other day... Tyson was brushing his teeth and the stool wasn't in the bathroom so he jumped up on the counter to rinse his mouth, the only problem was Macy was playing in one of the drawers and he hit the drawer with his knee, it hit her chin and she bit right through her tongue. It was a nice little hole and Tyson felt sooo bad. It is amazing how fast the mouth heals because it looked so much bigger just after it happened compared to these pics about 1-2 hours later!

 I was impressed, it didn't phase her when she ate or drank anything. I would have thought salty food would have bothered it!
She is one tough cookie!!
Well I finally caught up with all the pictures I have taken!!

1 comment:

nana said...

Wow! You've had a lot going on. . .no bon bons and lounging for you!