Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Princess Nightgown

 Ever since we went to Bear Lake last summer and Lily saw little nightgowns for little girls she hasn't stopped asking for one. I told her she could ask her Grandma Wendy to make one just for her!
We went with Grandma to pick the fabric and of course Lily chose pink and Princess ribbon for the sleeves!
For the first two weeks Lily lived in her new nightgown!
Now we can get it off of her long enough to wash it!
Lily posing like a princess!!
 She insisted on a picture of the back of it!

 Macy wanted a picture too!!
I sure love my pretty princesses!!
Thanks Grandma Wendy for making her nightgown!!
We love it!!

1 comment:

nana said...

It really is princess worthy. Great job Grandma Wendy!