Thursday, August 8, 2013

Big Rock Candy Mountain!

 Girls camp at Big Rock Candy Mountain!
This was my first girls camp at YW president and I do have to say that things went pretty smooth!
I only had to talk to some girls on the first day letting them know they needed to be nice to everyone, and I had to stop some girls from sneaking into the river without permission but that was all of the "fires" I had to put out!
 This was the funnest camp I have ever been to as a YW myself or a leader...
One day we got to do an 8 course zip line!
 Ready to zip!
 With some of the leaders
Suzanne, Me, Linda and Holly
 Natalie and her husband apparently have a whole bunch of costumes at their house, so she brought this unicorn head and scared me and Debbie one night, then they came up with a plan to have the girls do an exercise routine in the morning doing the "pony exercise" and that is when I came galloping in and scared the girls!
I think the leaders may have had more fun at camp than the girls did :)
I have an amazing group of leaders!
All of them were able to come except for Melissa since she just had a baby!
Debbie, Nikole, Linda, Julie, Me, Natalie, Holly and Suzanne!
 The girls were eaten alive by mosquitos!
This picture doesn't do it justice!
Another day we got to go white water rafting which was so much fun!
The girls especially liked it since our river guides were young and muscular!
The camp theme was "The Amazing Place" so our camp director did it like the amazing race and when they got to the end we talked about the temples!
It was a great camp! The girls were great, the leaders were awesome, our bishopric is the best!
We also had a convenience store at the camp (since it was like a KOA) and Natalie took great care of me bringing me a diet coke everyday!
Ahh! I hope all girls camps are as great as this one!

 While I was gone the kids had a GREAT time!
The first day they spent with Nana and went to see Despicable Me 2!
The second day they spent with Grandma Wendy and she took them to the aquarium! 
And on the third day, Brandon took work off and took them to the zoo!
They loved the zoo!
 They got to see all of the cool Lego exhibits!
 Brandon wasn't sure if they could bring food in (It must be a Mom thing to know that stuff!)
So they got to eat there and got the cool shaped mugs with slushies in them!

I was sure the kids would ask me to leave again since they got to do so many cool things while I was gone!
But when I got home I was greeted with big hugs and fun stories!
They did miss me!! but the had a great time with Grandma, Nana and Dad!

1 comment:

nana said...

I'm glad the camp went to well and we got to help with the kids!