Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Potty Trained!! Woot Woot!!

 We did it!!
This little Monkey is potty trained!!
Here she is standing next to her potty chart!
Every time she peed in the potty, she got to put an Ariel sticker on her chart!
Every time she pooped in the potty, she got a poop prize!
I HATE potty training, but she (like the other 2) did really well!
Day 1 (which happened to be Lily's birthday, and conference Sunday which is why we chose that day, we weren't going anywhere!) Was a nightmare, like any day one potty training!
By day 4 (which was my birthday) she was awesome! No pee accidents and the best birthday present she could have given me, she pooped twice in the potty! WOOT WOOT!
Day 5 an accident, but by day 6 and 8 (7 had a little accident) she was good to go!
She didn't like being called a Big Girl! She insists she is still a baby, so it got a bit tricky trying to remember not to call her a big girl when she did a good job!
Silly little Macy!
We are so proud of you and love you to pieces!!

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