Monday, November 11, 2013

Broken Leg!

So, Tyson called me from school (coincidentally on the 2nd day of potty training ahhh!) to tell me he thought he sprained his ankle playing soccer at recess. He was trying to score a goal and the goalie was trying to stop him! I loaded up the girls and we went to check on him. When we got there he was still limping, but nothing was swollen so I thought me might just be playing it up! So, I took him home to ice it and rest it. The next morning you would have thought his leg was going to fall off! But still no swelling! So, I set up a Dr. appointment, sent him limping to school and checked him out at lunch. He kept telling the Dr. where it hurt...about his mid calf area, but he wouldn't ever really jump when we would press on the bone where he said it hurt, so the Dr. and I decided not to do an x-ray(radiation and kids!) because he wasn't acting like he was in too much pain and it was decided it was just a good bone bruise!
Well, he was still limping about a week into it and Brandon and I felt like he should be walking more normal than he was, so we started forcing him to walk as normal as possible. We were getting frustrated that he wouldn't, we felt like he was just playing it up to get attention. Until one day he was playing with his friends and Brandon was chasing them around the yard and I looked outside and Tyson was having a great time with a huge smile on his face, but he couldn't keep up and even when no one was around he was still limping a lot! So, we decided to call the Dr. the next day and get him in. The Dr. checked him again and this time Tyson just told him his calf muscle hurt. What!! Why were we at the Dr. if your muscle just hurts. But we decided to get an x-ray this time just to be safe, and sure enough he had a good size fracture in is fibula! No where near where he said it hurt!
So after almost a week and a half of walking on it Tyson got his boot!
We felt bad for being so tough on him to walk normal that Brandon took him to the arcade, just the two of them.
He has the boot for 4 weeks (only 5 more days to go!)
He liked it at first and now he is super tired of it and it is super stinky!
So, we have endured the first broken bone in the Russell house!
What a tough kid!!

1 comment:

nana said...

I agree. . .he keeps going and going. And isn't parenthood a great learning experience? It still tries to keep me humble!