Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Baby Kambri!

 Our newest niece Kambri was born on March 6th!
Tyson, Lily and I were able to go visit my sister and meet baby Kambri when she was 4 days old!
(Macy was sick so she stayed home with Dad!)
She was so good with the kids and I all taking turns holding her!
She was awake the whole time and barely even fussed!

 The kids LOVED her! They took up most the time holding her!
WHAT!! Aunt Shay was supposed to hold her the most! ;)
 Ava was fun and is sure going to keep Ange busy!!
The kids helped wear her out a little while we were there!
 Who can resist making funny faces when the camera is out!

 My kids sure love babies!!
 Ava was all about hugs and kisses for everyone!!

Lily wanted to take pictures of Kambri's tiny hands and feet!
Welcome to the fam baby Kambri! We love you already!!
We are excited for Macy to get better so she can meet her new cousin!
Macy LOVES babies and will be in heaven holding Kambri!! :)

1 comment:

nana said...

So glad you still blog. It is a great way to see pictures of the grandkids and all that you've been doing!