Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Co-op Night at our house!

 My Brother had called me and asked if I would take some head shots of his wife, she was auditioning for a role in a local movie. So before they came I practiced on Lily to get the right camera setting and lighting! They turned out so cute I just had to keep them!!

 Love my Lily Bug! She is so beautiful!!
 One of the headshots of Erynn!
 Since I had my big camera out, Macy wanted to take some pictures while we had all the kids at our house for co-op!
She was being so silly!!

 Can you see the other kids in the background?? They were playing zombies in the basement with flashlights!

 Making their plan to catch zombie Casyn and Seth!

 One of my favorites!
I caught her before she popped up all the way!!
 Macy took this pic with the big camera! Good job Baby!!
Fun co-op night!!

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