Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Clean up day at Grandma Wendy's

 Grandma Wendy is getting ready to put her house up for sale so she can downsize. So we went over one Saturday to clean up the yard and take some trips to the dumpsters.
Grandma's yard is notorious for snakes and I HATE snakes. So Brandon thinks it is extra fun to find one and scare me with it!
I am all about letting the kids experience everything including snakes, but I have been there done that and I don't have to do it again!
They thought the snake was really cool!
Except Macy she was on team Mom all the way! ;)

 The kids played and played while we worked (or tried to work in-between pushing on the swings and potty breaks and helping the kids!)
 Sweet Baby Kambri!
 Lily and Ava teeter tottering!
 By the end we were all so hot we ran thru the sprinkler in our clothes!
Even Grandma Wendy did with Ava!

 My silly girls!
We got a lot done and are one step closer to getting the house on the market!
What a good day!

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