Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Lily's Spring dance recital!

 This is the recital we missed last year because Macy fell out of the cart and was at Primary Children's, so we were so glad to make it this year! ;)
Here is Lily just before going into the dressing room to wait for her dance!
So excited!!
 She did so great! She knew this dance by heart!!
(she is the second from the left!)
 She loves dancing and being on stage!
I love our little dancer!!
 Brandon got her some rosés!
I love these two cute faces!!
 My kids are silly!

 Grandma Wendy and Nana giving kisses!!
 Papa came too!
They are so good and supportive of their cute grandkids!!

Our little family!
Way to go Lily! We are so proud of you!!

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