Friday, October 17, 2014

Grandma and Granpa Spencer

 I need to find some of my favorite pics of Grandma and Grandpa and post them another time!
On May 24 my sweet Grandpa passed away. He has been sick for sometime, but no one really knew how sick he really was since he would refuse to go to the hospital for fear that he would not come home! He took a turn for the worst a couple days before he died and ended up refusing the paramedics taking him by ambulance to the VA hospital. In all that commotion, his dog Buddy passed away. I knew when I heard that news Grandpa wouldn't last much longer :( He ended up calling 911 and this time went to the hospital. They found he had leukemia. It was rather advanced that when they gave him a blood transfusion it did absolutely nothing to his blood count...the leukemia was way too far for any blood transfusions to help. He ended up passing away a few days later in his home! I am so glad he was able to come home instead of passing in the hospital which was his greatest fear!
He was an amazing Grandpa!
He taught us how to cheat playing rumikub, and any card game ! :)
He always had a pipe in his mouth (except for the years that he quit before starting again with cigars)
EVERYTIME he would see me he would greet me with "when are you going to do something with your hair!" This lasted for so long I can't remember if he liked my hair curly or straight, I think he may have forgotten too, he just liked to tease and laugh!!
He loved to act and was in a few short films and commercials!
He was in the Robert's Crafts commercial :)
I miss him and I am grateful for all the amazing memories we have with them both!!
 (This was the second to last time we visited grandma)
On August 11th this sweet lady took her last breath. My sisters and I had the special opportunity to be in her room as she took that last breath. We had decided last minute to all go together to our cousin Sheila's wedding. At the wedding we heard Grandma wasn't doing too well, so after the wedding we headed to her room to say our goodbyes. Grandma was such a goer! In fact she had gone to breakfast at McDonalds with her friends the morning she passed. She even treated one of her friends! She did tell them though that she felt like she was on her way out.
When we got there she was peacefully resting and well medicated so she wasn't in any pain. We talked with our Aunt Jeannie and our cousin Staci. I know Grandma could hear us and knew that everything was perfect and it was her time to go. We watched her breathing slow then watched her take her last breath. I was incredibly sad to witness someone die, but I feel so lucky to know that our Loving Heavenly Father was there to greet her and she is loved and happy and now watching over us and our families!
I was amazed at the sadness, but the great peace I felt as she passed! It was also amazing to see how quickly our body becomes just that...a body, a vessel to carry our souls!
I also have great memories of my Grandma!
She LOVED cooking and baking! I loved anything she did with blueberries (especially her pancakes!!) I loved her éclairs and sponge cake!
She did water aerobics everyday until this last Christmas when she fell!
She loved to go out to lunch and take us to IKEA!
She went to cooking class at Macey's and loved to share the recipes with us!
She would take us to the Taste of Home Cooking shows which were so much fun!!
She also taught us a lot of card games! She loved to entertain!
I miss them both so much!!

 This is Christmas dinner with them last year!
Turned out to be our last one :(
I love you Grandma and Grandpa Spencer!!
Thanks for the amazing memories!!
 We helped clean up at their house so I took a couple pics of some of my favorite things in their home!
I don't know who wrote it, but this message was on their mirror since I can remember!
The measuring wall!
It has my dad from when he was little all the way to the great-grandkids!

1 comment:

nana said...

How blessed you are. And when I eat your eclairs I'll think of Grandma Spencer and smile.