Friday, April 3, 2015

Christmas Break fun!

 The week between Christmas and New Years the Arizona cousins were here to visit and since it was the only snow of the year the kids played a lot in the snow!
In Nana and Papa's backyard building a fort!

 Sledding on the front hill!

 Movie night!
 Cute Chase!
 We visited the aquarium!
Thanks Nana!

 Chase was adorable and walks around with his hands behind his back!
We also headed to the cabin for a day!
It is always fun to have cousins in town!!
 We were off track for 4 weeks with Christmas break, so we also headed to the Museum of Natural Curiosity with our friend Isabelle!

 Tyson had been working on typing and was pretty frustrated, he finally got a really high score and was super stoked!
 Lily lost yet another tooth!
She is now toothless!! but made a lot of $$
 This is my little buddy each day!
 She loves taking selfies!

 Nana decided to take us to Hardware ranch in Logan to see all the Elk!
 With it being such a warm winter there weren't as many Elk, but I felt like there were a ton!

 Petting the huge horses after our ride!

It was a long 4 weeks but we made it!

1 comment:

nana said...

Wow! Loved seeing all the pictures, especially of the kids looking at the tree!