I was terrified to get rid of the binkie completely because he would find it at night or during naps and put himself back to sleep. It was great!! Well, lately his breath has been getting bad when he wakes up in the morning or from naps so we decided it was time to bite the bullet and get rid of them once and for all. The first night he cried for a little while, so being the good Mom that I am I went in and talked to him and bribed him! He was excited for the bribe and went to sleep. He has gone to bed twice now and taken two naps without the binkies!!!!!!! YAHOOOO!!!!
Tyson: "Dad"
Brandon: "What"
Tyson: "Tomorrow do I get to go to the store and get a racecar?"
Brandon: "What"
Tyson: "Tomorrow do I get to go to the store and get a racecar?"
Brandon came out from Tyson's room laughing and reminded me that Tyson gets a racecar.
Tyson: "Mom, I'm done snoozing, can we go to the store and get my racecar?!"
We came home with a box of 5!
We came home with a box of 5!