Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had one awesome Christmas this year! It was so easy going and relaxing, we loved it! (There have been previous years when we had to go to 4-5 houses in one day) As we have gotten older (and smarter ;)) we have made things easier on ourselves. On Christmas eve we visited both of my grandparents to wish them a Merry Christmas. Then for our own family tradition that Brandon and I started before we had kids (and luckly we have been able to keep up since our kid loves movies) is going to a movie and dinner on Christmas eve. With kids, the movies have changed, but we still love this tradition! This year we saw Bolt in 3-D. It was a cute movie. Tyson didn't want to wear his 3-D glasses, so he saw a rather blurry movie! The trick to going to dinner on Christmas eve, is #1 going early and #2 finding a place that is open! This year we ate at Wingers! We got there an hour and a half before they were closing! Then we came home and got Santa's cookies all ready and put the kids to bed! Tyson thought that Santa would be really hungry, so he left him about 8-9 cookies...and Santa ate them all!

Lily's first Christmas! Asleep! She woke up at 6:30 (after sleeping all night) and Tyson woke up at 7:00 (singing in his room until 7:20) He ran in and asked Brandon if he thought that Santa had come to our house. So, not to bad to start Christmas morning at 7:30 for a 3 year old!

Santa brought Lily an exersaucer and Tyson a remote control racecar (the Thunder Tumbler). Mom and Dad got clothes!

Tyson is always excited to get food! (Goldfish crackers!)

He loved opening presents and he really appreciated everything he got (I know one day that will change!) He opened all of Lily's presents too, he was excited about her stuff too! What a good big brother!

Still sound asleep!

Every year we take a family pic in front of the tree! This was the test picture! I thought it was too cute!

Merry Christmas!
We lounged around all morning, Tyson and Brandon shoveled and played in the snow, and after finally getting ready we did Christmas with my Mom (Ange and Cam didn't make it down because of all the snow, so we missed them) but we had a great time with Mom, Ryan, and Tiff's family. It was a perfect day at Grandma Wendy's! We then headed to Brandon's parents and did Christmas and dinner with Nana, Papa, Zak, Colin and Cori! (we missed Derek and Andi and their families!) It was a great day! Great food, great family, and great reason to celebrate the birth of our Savior!

Tyson coming to see what Santa brought him. He was more concerned that Santa left one bite of a cookie on the plate!


deleted said...

Cute! It is nice when the kids appreciate whatever they get! I am going to be sad the day that stops at our house!

Andi said...

Looks like a fun Christmas. We love quiet days of staying in our pj's!

Paige just said, "I loooove Tyson! I want to go see what he got for Christmas". She loves looking at pictures of Tyson and Lily.

Emily said...

So fun! Livi was concerned that Santa left a bite of cookie too. Funny. Lily is getting big. She looks so cute in front of the tree.

nana said...

I love reading what you guys did for the holiday. My goal is to enjoy the moment next year better than this year. Lily is changing by the second. Tyson is such a cute little guy!