Here is a shout out to our little Lily... She turned 18months on the 6th.
Seriously...where has the time gone?!?
She looks like she is being booked into jail in this picture! I love it!
Lily's 18 month stats:
Weight: 26.2....70%
Height: 31.5....50%
Weight: 26.2....70%
Height: 31.5....50%
This little thing is full of spunk and attitude!
She loves to hug her Mom and Dad and wrestle, then hug her big brother!
She loves her friends (as long as the don't touch her or take her toys!)
She loves her Grandma, Nana, Papa, aunts, uncles, and cousins as long as she gets about 30-45mins to get used to them and they feed her!
She pretty much refuses to talk... she would much rather do things on her own than say "please", "help" or "up"!
She is our runner, biker, climber and trouble maker all wrapped up in this sweet package!
We love you Lily!
Bring on the spunk!
She is so cute!! We love Lily!!
I've anxiously been awaiting some Mexico pictures and to my surprise you also had some of Lily!! I tried to "trick" her on the head shaking. I would say, "do you want milk?". She'd shake her head yes. Then I would ask, "do you want water?" I would get a no headshake. I tried a few time mixing it up and she always shook her head yes on milk! She knows what is going on!
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